الساهد في سبيل لله

الساهد في سبيل لله

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

kadar elaun staf awam kerajaan_ perintah Am bab elaun

Perintah Am berkuatkuasa terkini2011
Pindaan sehingga 2011
Elaun makan semenanjung malazi
Gred utama/khas A dan ke atas rm115
Utama/khas B dan C rm100
53 dan 54 rm85
45 hingga 52 rm60
41 hingga 44 rm45
17 hingga 40 rm40
1 hingga 16 rm 35
Elaun makan tak buleh dibayar untuk bertugas melebihi 3 bulan terus menerus termasuk cuti am dan cuti mingguan
Sewa hotel dan elaun lojing
Kadar sewa hotel
Semenanjung malzi
27- 40 rm 140
17- 26 rm 130
Elaun lojing
27-40 rm 45
17- 26 rm 40
1-16 rm 35

Elaun bantuan gaji pemandu
Khas B tidak termasuk jawatan utama B dan utama C
RM300 sebulan
53 dan 54 rm 250 sebulan
45 hingga 52 20 sen bagi satu kmn perjalanan hingga tidak melebihi rm rm 200 sebulan
41 hingga 44 adalah 15 sen bagi satu km perjalanan rasmi hingga tidak melebihi rm 160 sebulan
Elaun hidup pemandu rm 30 semale di semenanjung malzi
Rm 45 semale untuk sabah Sarawak
rm 45 semale untuk singapur

kelas A kenderaan mesti 1400 cc dan gred 41 dan keatas

500km pertama 70 sen
501-1000km 65 sen
1,001-1,700km 55 sen
1,701 km dan seterusnya 50sen

Kelas B

501-1000km 60 sen
501-1000km 55 sen
1,001-1,700km 50 sen
1,701 km dan seterusnya 45sen
Kelas C

501-1000km 50 sen
501-1000km 45 sen
1,001-1,700km 40 sen
1,701 km dan seterusnya 35

Kelas D

501-1000km 45 sen
501-1000km 40 sen
1,001-1,700km 35 sen
1,701 km dan seterusnya 30sen

Kelas E

501-1000km 40 sen
501-1000km 35 sen
1,001-1,700km 30 sen
1,701 km dan seterusnya 25sen
Elaun makan dan elaun harian bertugas di luar negeri
Utama /khas A dank e atas rm 370
Utama /khas B dan C rm 340
53 dan 54 rm320
45 hingga 52 rm 270
1 hingga 44 seperti dalam jadual…ikut negeri rm 100 elaun makan dan rm 200 untuk sewa hotel

Penerbangan dalam negri
53 dan keatas kelas business
Hiongga 52 kelas ekonomi\
Penerbangan luar negeri
Utama /khas A dan keatas atau ketua setia usaha kementerian kelas Satu

Utama/khas B dan C kelas business
1 hingga 54 kelas ekonomi

Kadar saguhati persidangan

41 dan keatas rm 50
17 hingga 40 rm 30
1 hingga 16 rm20

Pberkuatkusa bermula 1.6.2003

Elaun PDRM
U ntuk stad PDRM semenanjung malazi
Elaun makan
Ketua p[olih negra dan timbalan ketua poloh Negara rm 115
Pesuruhjaya polih dan timbalan pesuruhjaya polih rm 100
Penolong kanan p[esurujjaya polih rm 85
Penolong pesuruhjaya polih rm 60
Inspector sehingga penguasa polih rm 45
Konstabel hingga sub inspector rm 40
Sarjan hingga sub inspector sokongan /orang asli rm 40
Konstabel hingga koperal sokongan/orang asli rm 35
Elaun lojing PDRM
Untuk staf PDRM semenanjung malazi
Ketua polih Negara dan tinbalan ketua polih Negara rm 80
Pesuruhjaya polih dan timbalan pesuruhjaya polih rm 75
Penolong kanan pesuruhjaya polih rm 70
Penolong pesuruhjaya polih rm 60
Inspector hingga pemnguasa polih rm 55
Sarjan hingga sub inspector rm 45
Konstabel hingga koperal rm 40
Kostabel hingga sub inspector sokong/orang asli rm 35

Kadar sewa hotel untuk sataf PDRM semenanjung

Ketua [polih Negara dan timnbabalan ketua polih Negara standard suite
Pesuruhjaya polih dan timbalan pesuruhjaya polih bilik suoerior
Penolong kanan pesuruhjaya polih bilik biasa
Penolong pesuruhjaya polih rm 180
Inspector hingga penguasa polih rm 160
Sarjan hingga sub inspector rm 140
Konstabel hingga koperal rm 130
Konstabel hingga sub inspector sokongan/ orang asli rm 120

Kadar elaun perjalanan kenderaan satf PDRM sama dengan staf awam…

Monday, November 7, 2011

save the rain forest

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
اكبر الله
اللهم صلى على محمد اللهم صلى عليه وسلم
اللهم أنصر المجاهدين في كل مكان امين
اللهم صلى على محمد اللهم صلى عليه وسلم
السلام عليكم

Ayat 41 Surah An Nur:

Tidakkah kamu tahu bahawasanya Allah: kepadaNya bertasbih apa yang di langit dan di bumi dan juga burung dengan mengembangkan sayapnya. Masing-masing telah mengetahui cara solat dan tasbihnya, dan Allah maha Mengetahui apa yang mereka kerjakan
Sahih Muslim jilid 4 no hadis 2098
Sayangi hayawan

Ayat 88 surah An Namli
" Dan engkau melihat gunung ganang, engkau menyangkanya tetap membeku /tidak bergerak, pada hal ia bergerak cepat seperti bergeraknya awan; demikianlah perbuatan Allah yang telah membuat tiap-tiap sesuatu dengan serapi-rapi dan sebaik-baiknya;sesungguhnya Ia Amat mendalam pengetahuanNya akan apa yang kamu lakukan.”

ayat 59 surah al an'am menyebutkan Dan pada sisi aAllah kunci kunci semua yang ghaib tak ada yang menegetahuinya kecuali Allah dan Dia mengetahui apa yang di daratan/land dan lautan/sea dan tiada sehelai daun yang gugur pasti Allah mengetahuinya dan apabila daun jatuh pasti Allah mengetahuinya dan jika sebutir biji benih basah dan kering jatuh di dalam bumi/tanah pasti jua Allah mengetahuinya serta sudah tertulis di lauhul mahfuz

Dari Abu hurairah r.a katanya rasulullah saw. Pernah bercerita “Pada suatu ketika ada seorang lelaki sedang berjalan melalui sebuah jalan, lalu dia merasa sangat kehausan. Kebetulan dia turun ke sumur itu untuk minum. Setelah keluar dari sumur, dia melihat seekor anjing menjulurkan lidahnya menjilat-jilat tanah kerana kehausan. Orang itu berkata dalam hatinya, Alangkah hausnya anjing itu, seperti yang baru kualami” lalu dia turun kembali ke sumur, dicedoknya air dengan sepatunya, dibawanya ke atas dan diberi minumkannya kepada anjing itu. Maka Allah berterima kasih kepada lelaki itu (diterimaNya amalnya), dan diampuniNya dosanya” Para sahabat bertanya “Ya Rasulullah saw. Dapat pahalakah kami menyayangi haiwan ini?” Jawab rasulullah saw “Menyayangi setiap makhluk hidup (tumbuhan dan haiwan) berpahala (ada pahalanya),”

The Disappearing Rainforests
• We are losing Earth's greatest biological treasures just as we are beginning to appreciate their true value. Rainforests once covered 14% of the earth's land surface; now they cover a mere 6% and experts estimate that the last remaining rainforests could be consumed in less than 40 years.
• One and one-half acres of rainforest are lost every second with tragic consequences for both developing and industrial countries.
• Rainforests are being destroyed because the value of rainforest land is perceived as only the value of its timber by short-sighted governments, multi-national logging companies, and land owners.
• Nearly half of the world's species of plants, animals and microorganisms will be destroyed or severely threatened over the next quarter century due to rainforest deforestation.
• Experts estimates that we are losing 137 plant, animal and insect species every single day due to rainforest deforestation. That equates to 50,000 species a year. As the rainforest species disappear, so do many possible cures for life-threatening diseases. Currently, 121 prescription drugs sold worldwide come from plant-derived sources. While 25% of Western pharmaceuticals are derived from rainforest ingredients, less that 1% of these tropical trees and plants have been tested by scientists.
• Most rainforests are cleared by chainsaws, bulldozers and fires for its timber value and then are followed by farming and ranching operations, even by world giants like Mitsubishi Corporation, Georgia Pacific, Texaco and Unocal.
• There were an estimated ten million Indians living in the Amazonian Rainforest five centuries ago. Today there are less than 200,000.
• In Brazil alone, European colonists have destroyed more than 90 indigenous tribes since the 1900's. With them have gone centuries of accumulated knowledge of the medicinal value of rainforest species. As their homelands continue to be destroyed by deforestation, rainforest peoples are also disappearing.
• Most medicine men and shamans remaining in the Rainforests today are 70 years old or more. Each time a rainforest medicine man dies, it is as if a library has burned down.
• When a medicine man dies without passing his arts on to the next generation, the tribe and the world loses thousands of years of irreplaceable knowledge about medicinal plants.

The Wealth of the Rainforests
• The Amazon Rainforest covers over a billion acres, encompassing areas in Brazil, Venezuela, Colombia and the Eastern Andean region of Ecuador and Peru. If Amazonia were a country, it would be the ninth largest in the world.
• The Amazon Rainforest has been described as the "Lungs of our Planet" because it provides the essential environmental world service of continuously recycling carbon dioxide into oxygen. More than 20 percent of the world oxygen is produced in the Amazon Rainforest.
• More than half of the world's estimated 10 million species of plants, animals and insects live in the tropical rainforests. One-fifth of the world's fresh water is in the Amazon Basin.
• One hectare (2.47 acres) may contain over 750 types of trees and 1500 species of higher plants.
• At least 80% of the developed world's diet originated in the tropical rainforest. Its bountiful gifts to the world include fruits like avocados, coconuts, figs, oranges, lemons, grapefruit, bananas, guavas, pineapples, mangos and tomatoes; vegetables including corn, potatoes, rice, winter squash and yams; spices like black pepper, cayenne, chocolate, cinnamon, cloves, ginger, sugar cane, tumeric, coffee and vanilla and nuts including Brazil nuts and cashews.
• At least 3000 fruits are found in the rainforests; of these only 200 are now in use in the Western World. The Indians of the rainforest use over 2,000.
• Rainforest plants are rich in secondary metabolites, particularly alkaloids. Biochemists believe alkaloids protect plants from disease and insect attacks. Many alkaloids from higher plants have proven to be of medicinal value and benefit.
• Currently, 121 prescription drugs currently sold worldwide come from plant-derived sources. And while 25% of Western pharmaceuticals are derived from rainforest ingredients, less than 1% of these tropical trees and plants have been tested by scientists.
• The U.S. National Cancer Institute has identified 3000 plants that are active against cancer cells. 70% of these plants are found in the rainforest. Twenty-five percent of the active ingredients in today's cancer-fighting drugs come from organisms found only in the rainforest.
• Vincristine, extracted from the rainforest plant, periwinkle, is one of the world's most powerful anticancer drugs. It has dramatically increased the survival rate for acute childhood leukemia since its discovery.
• In 1983, there were no U.S. pharmaceutical manufacturers involved in research programs to discover new drugs or cures from plants. Today, over 100 pharmaceutical companies and several branches of the US government, including giants like Merck and The National Cancer Institute, are engaged in plant research projects for possible drugs and cures for viruses, infections, cancer, and even AIDS.

Rainforest Action
• Experts agree that by leaving the rainforests intact and harvesting it's many nuts, fruits, oil-producing plants, and medicinal plants, the rainforest has more economic value than if they were cut down to make grazing land for cattle or for timber.
• The latest statistics show that rainforest land converted to cattle operations yields the land owner $60 per acre and if timber is harvested, the land is worth $400 per acre. However, if these renewable and sustainable resources are harvested, the land will yield the land owner $2,400 per acre.
• If managed properly, the rainforest can provide the world's need for these natural resources on a perpetual basis.
• Promoting the use of these sustainable and renewable sources could stop the destruction of the rainforests. By creating a new source of income harvesting the medicinal plants, fruits nuts, oil and other sustainable resources, the rainforests is be more valuable alive than cut and burned.
• Sufficient demand of sustainable and ecologically harvested rainforest products is necessary for preservation efforts to succeed. Purchasing sustainable rainforest products can effect positive change by creating a market for these products while supporting the native people's economy and provides the economic solution and alternative to cutting the forest just for the value of its timber.

The following has been excerpted from the book, The Healing Power of Rainforest Herbs (Square One Publishers, Inc. Garden City, NY 11040, © Copyrighted 2004) By Leslie Taylor


The beauty, majesty, and timelessness of a primary rainforest are indescribable. It is impossible to capture on film, to describe in words, or to explain to those who have never had the awe-inspiring experience of standing in the heart of a primary rainforest.

Rainforests have evolved over millions of years to turn into the incredibly complex environments they are today. Rainforests represent a store of living and breathing renewable natural resources that for eons, by virtue of their richness in both animal and plant species, have contributed a wealth of resources for the survival and well-being of humankind. These resources have included basic food supplies, clothing, shelter, fuel, spices, industrial raw materials, and medicine for all those who have lived in the majesty of the forest. However, the inner dynamics of a tropical rainforest is an intricate and fragile system. Everything is so interdependent that upsetting one part can lead to unknown damage or even destruction of the whole. Sadly, it has taken only a century of human intervention to destroy what nature designed to last forever.

The scale of human pressures on ecosystems everywhere has increased enormously in the last few decades. Since 1980 the global economy has tripled in size and the world population has increased by 30 percent. Consumption of everything on the planet has risen- at a cost to our ecosystems. In 2001, The World Resources Institute estimated that the demand for rice, wheat, and corn is expected to grow by 40% by 2020, increasing irrigation water demands by 50% or more. They further reported that the demand for wood could double by the year 2050; unfortunately, it is still the tropical forests of the world that supply the bulk of the world's demand for wood.

In 1950, about 15 percent of the Earth's land surface was covered by rainforest. Today, more than half has already gone up in smoke. In fewer than fifty years, more than half of the world's tropical rainforests have fallen victim to fire and the chain saw, and the rate of destruction is still accelerating. Unbelievably, more than 200,000 acres of rainforest are burned every day. That is more than 150 acres lost every minute of every day, and 78 million acres lost every year! More than 20 percent of the Amazon rainforest is already gone, and much more is severely threatened as the destruction continues. It is estimated that the Amazon alone is vanishing at a rate of 20,000 square miles a year. If nothing is done to curb this trend, the entire Amazon could well be gone within fifty years.

Massive deforestation brings with it many ugly consequences-air and water pollution, soil erosion, malaria epidemics, the release of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, the eviction and decimation of indigenous Indian tribes, and the loss of biodiversity through extinction of plants and animals. Fewer rainforests mean less rain, less oxygen for us to breathe, and an increased threat from global warming.

But who is really to blame? Consider what we industrialized Americans have done to our own homeland. We converted 90 percent of North America's virgin forests into firewood, shingles, furniture, railroad ties, and paper. Other industrialized countries have done no better. Malaysia, Indonesia, Brazil, and other tropical countries with rainforests are often branded as "environmental villains" of the world, mainly because of their reported levels of destruction of their rainforests. But despite the levels of deforestation, up to 60 percent of their territory is still covered by natural tropical forests. In fact, today, much of the pressures on their remaining rainforests comes from servicing the needs and markets for wood products in industrialized countries that have already depleted their own natural resources. Industrial countries would not be buying rainforest hardwoods and timber had we not cut down our own trees long ago, nor would poachers in the Amazon jungle be slaughtering jaguar, ocelot, caiman, and otter if we did not provide lucrative markets for their skins in Berlin, Paris, and Tokyo.

Why should the loss of tropical forests be of any concern to us in light of our own poor management of natural resources? The loss of tropical rainforests has a profound and devastating impact on the world because rainforests are so biologically diverse, more so than other ecosystems (e.g., temperate forests) on Earth.

Consider these facts:
• A single pond in Brazil can sustain a greater variety of fish than is found in all of Europe's rivers.
• A 25-acre plot of rainforest in Borneo may contain more than 700 species of trees - a number equal to the total tree diversity of North America.
• A single rainforest reserve in Peru is home to more species of birds than are found in the entire United States.
• One single tree in Peru was found to harbor forty-three different species of ants - a total that approximates the entire number of ant species in the British Isles.
• The number of species of fish in the Amazon exceeds the number found in the entire Atlantic Ocean.

The biodiversity of the tropical rainforest is so immense that less than 1 percent of its millions of species have been studied by scientists for their active constituents and their possible uses. When an acre of topical rainforest is lost, the impact on the number of plant and animal species lost and their possible uses is staggering. Scientists estimate that we are losing more than 137 species of plants and animals every single day because of rainforest deforestation.

Surprisingly, scientists have a better understanding of how many stars there are in the galaxy than they have of how many species there are on Earth. Estimates vary from 2 million to 100 million species, with a best estimate of somewhere near 10 million; only 1.4 million of these species have actually been named. Today, rainforests occupy only 2 percent of the entire Earth's surface and 6 percent of the world's land surface, yet these remaining lush rainforests support over half of our planet's wild plants and trees and one-half of the world's wildlife. Hundreds and thousands of these rainforest species are being extinguished before they have even been identified, much less catalogued and studied. The magnitude of this loss to the world was most poignantly described by Harvard's Pulitzer Prize-winning biologist Edward O. Wilson over a decade ago:

"The worst thing that can happen during the 1980s is not energy depletion, economic collapses, limited nuclear war, or conquest by a totalitarian government. As terrible as these catastrophes would be for us, they can be repaired within a few generations. The one process ongoing in the 1980s that will take millions of years to correct is the loss of genetic and species diversity by the destruction of natural habitats. This is the folly that our descendants are least likely to forgive us for."

Yet still the destruction continues. If deforestation continues at current rates, scientists estimate nearly 80 to 90 percent of tropical rainforest ecosystems will be destroyed by the year 2020. This destruction is the main force driving a species extinction rate unmatched in 65 million years.


If Amazonia were a country, it would be the ninth largest in the world. The Amazon rainforest, the world's greatest remaining natural resource, is the most powerful and bioactively diverse natural phenomenon on the planet. It has been described as the "lungs of our planet" because it provides the essential service of continuously recycling carbon dioxide into oxygen. It is estimated that more than 20 percent of Earth's oxygen is produced in this area.

The Amazon covers more than 1.2 billion acres, representing two-fifths of the enormous South American continent, and is found in nine South American countries: Brazil, Colombia, Peru, Venezuela, Ecuador, Bolivia, Guyana, French Guiana, and Suriname. With 2.5 million square miles of rainforest, the Amazon rainforest represents 54 percent of the total rainforests left on Earth.

The Amazon River

The life force of the Amazon rainforest is the mighty Amazon River. It starts as a trickle high in the snow-capped Andes Mountains and flows more than 4,000 miles across the South American continent until it enters the Atlantic Ocean at Belem, Brazil, where it is 200 to 300 miles across, depending on the season. Even 1,000 miles inland it is still 7 miles wide. The river is so deep that ocean liners can travel up its length to 2,300 miles inland. The Amazon River flows through the center of the rainforest and is fed by 1,100 tributaries, 17 of which are more than 1,000 miles long. The Amazon is by far the largest watershed and largest river system in the world occupying over 6 million square kilometers. Over two-thirds of all the fresh water found on Earth is in the Amazon

Basin's rivers, streams, and tributaries.
With so much water it's not unusual that the main mode of transportation throughout the area is by boat. The smallest and most common boats used today are still made out of hollowed tree trunks, whether they are powered by outboard motors or more often by human-powered paddles. Almost 14,000 miles of Amazon waterway are navigable, and several million miles through swamps and forests are penetrable by canoe. The enormous Amazon River carries massive amounts of silt from runoff from the rainforest floor. Massive amounts of silt deposited at the mouth of the Amazon River has created the largest river island in the world-Marajo Island, which is roughly the size of Switzerland. With this massive freshwater system, it is not unusual that life beneath the water is as abundant and diverse as the surrounding rainforest's plant and animal species. More than 2,000 species of fish have been identified in the Amazon Basin - more species than in the entire Atlantic Ocean.

Largest Collection of Plant and Animal Species

The Amazon Basin was formed in the Paleozoic period, somewhere between 500 million and 200 million years ago. The extreme age of the region in geologic terms has much to do with the relative infertility of the rainforest soil and the richness and unique diversity of the plant and animal life. There are more fertile areas in the Amazon River's flood plain, where the river deposits richer soil brought from the Andes, which only formed 20 million years ago.

The Amazon rainforest contains the largest collection of living plant and animal species in the world. The diversity of plant species in the Amazon rainforest is the highest on Earth. It is estimated that a single hectare (2.47 acres) of Amazon rainforest contains about 900 tons of living plants, including more than 750 types of trees and 1500 other plants. The Andean mountain range and the Amazon jungle are home to more than half of the world's species of flora and fauna; in fact, one in five of all the birds in the world live in the rainforests of the Amazon. To date, some 438,000 species of plants of economic and social interest have been registered in the region, and many more have yet to be catalogued or even discovered.

Scarring and Loss of Diversity

Once a vast sea of tropical forest, the Amazon rainforest today is scarred by roads, farms, ranches, and dams. Brazil is gifted with a full third of the world's remaining rainforests; unfortunately, it is also one of the world's
great rainforest destroyers, burning or felling more than 2.7 million acres each year. More than 20 percent of rainforest in the Amazon has been razed and is gone forever.

This ocean of green, nearly as large as Australia, is the last great rainforest in the known universe and it is being decimated like the others before it. Why? Like other rainforests already lost forever, the land is being cleared for logging timber, large-scale cattle ranching, mining operations, government road building and hydroelectric schemes, military operations, and the subsistence agriculture of peasants and landless settlers. Sadder still, in many places the rainforests are burnt simply to provide charcoal to power industrial plants in the area.


Commercial logging is the single largest cause of rainforest destruction, both directly and indirectly. Other activities destroying the rainforest, including clearing land for grazing animals and subsistence farming. The simple fact is that people are destroying the Amazon rainforest and the rest of the rainforests of the world because "they can't see the forest for the trees."

Logging for Tropical Hardwoods

Logging tropical hardwoods like teak, mahogany, rosewood, and other timber for furniture, building materials, charcoal, and other wood products is big business and big profits. Several species of tropical hardwoods are imported by developed counties, including the United States, just to build coffins that are then buried or burned.

The demand, extraction, and consumption of tropical hardwoods has been so massive that some countries that have been traditional exporters of tropical hardwoods are now importing them because they have already exhausted their supply by destroying their native rainforests in slash-and-burn operations. It is anticipated that the Philippines, Malaysia, the Ivory Coast, Nigeria, and Thailand will soon follow, as all these countries will run out of rainforest hardwood timber for export within five years.

Japan is the largest importer of tropical woods. Despite recent reductions, Japan's average tropical timber import of 11 million cubic meters annually is still gluttonous.

The demand for tropical hardwood timber is damaging to the ecological, biological, and social fabric of tropical lands and is clearly unsustainable for any length of time.

Behind the hardwood logger come others down the same roads built to transport the timber. The cardboard packing and the wood chipboard industries use 15-ton machines that gobble up the rainforest with 8-foot cutting discs that have eight blades revolving 320 times a minute. These machines that cut entire trees into chips half the size of a matchbox can gobble up more than 200 species of trees in mere minutes.

Logging rainforest timber is a large economic source, and in many cases, the main source of revenue for servicing the national debt of these developing countries. Logging profits are real to these countries that must service their debts, but they are fleeting. Governments are selling their assets too cheaply, and once the rainforest is gone, their source of income will also be gone. Sadly, most of the real profits of the timber trade are made not by the developing countries, but by multinational companies and industrialists of the Northern Hemisphere.

These huge, profit-driven logging companies pay governments a fraction of the timber's worth for large logging concessions on immense tracts of rainforest land and reap huge profits by harvesting the timber in the most economical manner feasible with little regard to the destruction left in their wake.

Logging concessions in the Amazon are sold for as little as $2 per acre, with logging companies felling timber worth thousands of dollars per acre. Governments are selling their natural resources, hawking for pennies resources that soon will be worth billions of dollars.

Some of these government concessions and land deals made with industrialists make the sale of Manhattan for $24 worth of trinkets look shrewd. In 1986 a huge industrial timber corporation bought thousands of acres in the Borneo rainforest by giving 2,000 Malaysian dollars to twelve longhouses of local tribes.

Since then, this company and others have managed to extract and destroy about a third of the Borneo rainforest - about 6.9 million acres - and the local tribes have been evicted from the area or forced to work for the logging companies at slave wages.
Fuel Wood and the Paper Industry
In addition to being logged for exportation, rainforest wood stays in developing countries for fuel wood and charcoal. One single steel plant in Brazil making steel for Japanese cars needs millions of tons of wood each year to produce charcoal that can be used in the manufacture of steel.

Then, there is the paper industry. One pulpwood project in the Brazilian Amazon consists of a Japanese power plant and pulp mill. To set up this single plant operation, 5,600 square miles of Amazon rainforest were burned to the ground and replanted with pulpwood trees.

This single manufacturing plant consumes 2,000 tons of surrounding rainforest wood every day to produce 55 megawatts of electricity to run the plant. The plant, which has been in operation since 1978, produces more than 750 tons of pulp for paper every 24 hours, worth pproximately $500,000, and has built 2,800 miles of roads through the Amazon rainforest to be used by its 700 vehicles.

In addition to this pulp mill, the world's biggest pulp mill is the Aracruz mill in Brazil. Its two units produce 1 million tons of pulp a year, harvesting the rainforest to keep the plant in business and displacing thousands of indigenous tribes. Where does all this pulp go? Aracruz's biggest customers are the United States, Belgium, Great Britain, and Japan.

More and more rainforest is destroyed to meet the demands of the developed world's paper industry, which requires a staggering 200 million tons of wood each year simply to make paper. If the present rate continues, it is estimated that the paper industry alone will consume 4 billion tons of wood annually by the year 2020.

Once an area of rainforest has been logged, even if it is given the rare chance to regrow, it can never become what it once was. The intricate ecosystem nature devised is lost forever. Only 1 to 2 percent of light at the top of a rainforest canopy manages to reach the forest floor below. Most times when timber is harvested, trees and other plants that have evolved over centuries to grow in the dark, humid environment below the canopy simply cannot live out in the open, and as a result, the plants and animals (that depend on the plants) of the original forest become extinct Even if only sections of land throughout an area are destroyed, these remnants change drastically.

Birds and other animals cannot cross from one remnant of land to another in the canopy, so plants are not pollinated, seeds are not dispersed by the animals, and the plants around the edges are not surrounded by the high jungle humidity they need to grow properly. As a result, the remnants slowly become degraded and die. Rains come and wash away the thin topsoil that was previously protected by the canopy, and this barren, infertile land is vulnerable to erosion. Sometimes the land is replanted in African grasses for cattle operations; other times more virgin rainforest is destroyed for cattle operations because grass planted on recently burned land has a better chance to grow.

Grazing Land

As the demand in the Western world for cheap meat increases, more and more rainforests are destroyed to provide grazing land for animals. In Brazil alone, there are an estimated 220 million head of cattle, 20 million goats, 60 million pigs, and 700 million chickens. Most of Central and Latin America's tropical and temperate rainforests have been lost to cattle operations to meet the world demand, and still the cattle operations continue to move southward into the heart of the South American rainforests.

To graze one steer in Amazonia takes two full acres. Most of the ranchers in the Amazon operate at a loss, yielding only paper profits purely as tax shelters. Ranchers' fortunes are made only when ranching is supported by government giveaways. A banker or rich landowner in Brazil can slash and burn a huge tract of land in the Amazon rainforest, seed it with grass for cattle, and realize millions of dollars worth of government-subsidized loans, tax credits, and write-offs in return for developing the land. These government development schemes rarely make a profit, as they are actually selling cheap beef to industrialized nations. One single cattle operation in Brazil that was co-owned by British Barclays Bank and one of Brazil's wealthiest families was responsible for the destruction of almost 500,000 acres of virgin rainforest. The cattle operation never made a profit, but government write-offs sheltered huge logging profits earned off of logging other land in the Brazilian rainforest owned by the same investors. These generous tax and credit incentives have created more than 29 million acres of large cattle ranches in the Brazilian Amazon, even though the typical ranch could cover less than half its costs without these subsidies. Even these grazing lands don't last forever. Soon the lack of nutrients in the soil and overgrazing degrade them, and they are abandoned for newly cleared land. In Brazil alone, more than 63,000 square miles of land has reportedly been abandoned in this way.

Subsistence Farming

This type of government-driven destruction of rainforest land is promoted by a common attitude among governments in rainforest regions, an attitude that the forest is an economic resource to be harnessed to aid in the development of their countries. The same attitudes that accompanied the colonization of our own frontier are found today in Brazil and other countries with wild and unharnessed rainforest wilderness.

These beliefs are exemplified by one Brazilian official's public statement that "not until all Amazonas is colonized by real Brazilians, not Indians, can we truly say we own it." Were we Americans any different with our own colonization, decimating the North American Indian tribes? Like Brazil, we sent out a call to all the world that America had land for the landless in an effort to increase colonization of our country at the expense of our indigenous Indian tribes. And like the first American colonists, colonization in the rainforest really means subsistence farming.

Subsistence farming has for centuries been a driving force in the loss of rainforest land. And as populations explode in Third-World countries in South America and the Far East, the impact has been profound. By tradition, wildlands and unsettled lands in the rainforest are free to those who clear the forest and till the soil. "Squatter's rights" still prevail, and poor, hungry people show little enthusiasm for arguments about the value of biodiversity or the plight of endangered species when they struggle daily to feed their families. These landless peasants and settlers follow the logging companies down the roads they've built to extract timber into untouched rainforest lands, burning off whatever the logging companies left behind.

The present approach to rainforest cultivation produces wealth for a few, but only for a short time, because farming burned-off tracts of Amazon rainforest seldom works for long. Less than 10 percent of Amazonian soils are suitable for sustained conventional agriculture. However lush they look, rainforests often flourish on such nutrient-poor soils that they are essentially "wet deserts," easier to damage and harder to cultivate than any other soil.

Most are exhausted by the time they have produced three or four crops. Many of the thousands of homesteaders who migrated from Brazil's cities to the wilds of the rainforest, responding to the government's call of "land without men for men without land," have already had to abandon their depleted farms and move on, leaving behind fields of baked clay dotted with stagnant pools of polluted water.

Experts agree that the path to conservation begins with helping these local residents meet their own daily needs. Because of the infertility of the soil, and the lack of knowledge of sustainable cultivation practices, this type of agriculture strips the soil of nutrients within a few harvests, and the farmers continue to move farther into the rainforest in search of new land. They must be helped and educated to break free of the need to continually clear rainforest in search of fresh, fertile land if the rainforest is to be saved.

Leading the Threat: Governments

Directly and indirectly, the leading threats to rainforest ecosystems are governments and their unbridled, unplanned, and uncoordinated development of natural resources. The 2000-2001 World Resources Report put out by the United Nations reported that governments worldwide spend $700 billion dollars a year supporting and subsidizing environmentally unsound practices in the use of water, agriculture, energy, and transportation. In the Amazon, rainforest timber exports and large-scale development projects go a long way in servicing national debt in many developing countries, which is why governments and international aid-lending institutions like the World Bank subsidize them. In the tropics, governments own or control nearly 80 percent of tropical forests, so these forests stand or fall according to government policy; and in many countries, government policies lie behind the wastage of forest resources.

Besides the tax incentives and credit subsidies that guarantee large profits to private investors who convert forests to pastures and farms, governments allow private concessionaires to log the national forests on terms that induce uneconomic or wasteful uses of the public domain. Massive public expenditures on highways, dams, plantations, and agricultural settlements, too often supported by multilateral development lending, convert or destroy large areas of forest for projects of questionable economic worth.

Tropical countries are among the poorest countries on Earth. Brazil alone spends 40 percent of its annual income simply servicing its loans, and the per capita income of Brazil's people is less than $2,000 annually. Sadly, these numbers don't even represent an accurate picture in the Amazon because Brazil is one of the richer countries in South America.

These struggling Amazonian countries must also manage the most complex, delicate, and valuable forests remaining on the planet, and the economic and technological resources available to them are limited. They must also endure a dramatic social and economic situation, as well as deeply adverse terms of trade and financial relationships with industrial countries. Under such conditions, the possibility of their reaching sustainable models of development alone is virtually nil.

There is a clear need for industrial countries to sincerely and effectively assist the tropics in a quest for sustainable forest management and development if the remaining rainforests are to be saved. The governments of these developing countries need help in learning how to manage and protect their natural resources for long-term profits, while still managing to service their debts, and they must be given the incentives and tools to do so. Programs to redefine the timber concessions so concessionaires have greater incentives to guard the long-term health of the forest and programs to revive and expand community-based forestry schemes, which ensure more rational use of forests and a better life for the people who live near them, must be developed.

First-World capital must seek out opportunities to partner with organizations that have the technical expertise to guide these programs of sustainable economic development. In addition, programs teaching techniques for sustainable harvesting practices and identifying profitable, yet sustainable, forest products can enable developing countries to improve the standard of living for their people, service national debt, and contribute meaningfully to land use planning and conservation of natural resources.


It is estimated that nearly half of the world's estimated 10 million species of plants, animals, and microorganisms will be destroyed or severely threatened over the next quarter-century due to rainforest deforestation. Edward O. Wilson estimates that we are losing 137 plant and animal species every single day. That's 50,000 species a year! Again, why should we in the United States be concerned about the destruction of distant tropical rainforests? Because rainforest plants are complex chemical storehouses that contain many undiscovered biodynamic compounds with unrealized potential for use in modern medicine. We can gain access to these materials only if we study and conserve the species that contain them.

Key to Tomorrow's Cures

Rainforests currently provide sources for one-fourth of today's medicines, and 70 percent of the plants found to have anticancer properties are found only in the rainforest. The rainforest and its immense undiscovered biodiversity hold the key to unlocking tomorrow's cures for devastating diseases. How many cures for devastating disease have we already lost...
Two drugs obtained from a rainforest plant known as the Madagascar periwinkle, now extinct in the wild due to deforestation of the Madagascar rainforest, have increased the chances of survival for children with leukemia from 20 percent to 80 percent. Think about it: eight out of ten children are now saved, rather than eight of ten children dying from leukemia. How many children have been spared and how many more will continue to be spared because of this single rainforest plant...

What if we had failed to discover this one important plant among millions before human activities had led to its extinction...

When our remaining rainforests are gone, the rare plants and animals will be lost forever-and so will the possible cures for diseases like cancer they can provide.

No one can challenge the fact that we are still largely dependent on plants for treating our ailments. Almost 90 percent of people in developing countries still rely on traditional medicine, based largely on different species of plants and animals, for their primary health care. In the North America, some 25 percent of prescriptions are filled with drugs whose active ingredients are extracted or derived from plants.

By 1980 sales of these plant-based drugs in the United States amounted to some $4.5 billion annually. Worldwide sales of these plant-based drugs were estimated at $40 billion in 1990. Currently 121 prescription drugs sold worldwide come from plant-derived sources from only 90 species of plants. Still more drugs are derived from animals and microorganisms.

More than 25 percent of the active ingredients in today's cancer-fighting drugs come from organisms found only in the rainforest. The U.S. National Cancer Institute has identified more than 3,000 plants that are active against cancer cells, and 70 percent of these plants are found only in the rainforest. In the thousands of species of rainforest plants that have not been analyzed are many more thousands of unknown plant chemicals, many of which have evolved to protect the plants from diseases.

These plant chemicals may well help us in our own ongoing struggle with constantly evolving pathogens, including bacteria, viruses, and fungi that are mutating against our mainstream drugs and becoming resistant to them. These pathogens cause serious diseases, including hepatitis, pneumonia, tuberculosis, and HIV, all of which are becoming more difficult to treat. Experts now believe that if there is a cure for cancer and even AIDS, it will probably be found in the rainforest.


In 1983, there were no U.S. pharmaceutical manufacturers involved in research programs to discover new drugs or cures from plants. Today, more than 100 pharmaceutical companies, including giants like Merck, Abbott, Bristol-Myers Squibb, Eli Lilly, Monsanto, Smith-Kline Beecham, as well as several branches of the America government, including the National Cancer Institute, are engaged in plant-based research projects trying to find possible drugs to treat infections, cancer, and AIDS.

Most of this research is currently taking place in the rainforest in an industry that is now called "bioprospecting." This new pharmacological industry draws together an unlikely confederacy: plant collectors and anthropologists; ecologists and conservationists; natural product companies and nutritional supplement manufacturers; AIDS and cancer researchers; executives in the world's largest drug companies; and native indigenous shamans.

They are part of a intensive experiment: to preserve the world's rainforests by showing how much more valuable they are standing than cut down. And it is a race against a clock whose every tick means another acre of charred forest.

Thus, it is also a race that pits one explorer against another, for those who score the first big hit in chemical bioprospecting will secure wealth and a piece of scientific immortality.

In November 1991, Merck Pharmaceutical Company announced a landmark agreement to obtain samples of wild plants and animals for drug-screening purposes from Costa Rica's National Biodiversity Institute (INBio); the program is still ongoing today. Spurred by this and other biodiversity prospecting ventures, interest in the commercial value of plant genetic and biochemical resources is burgeoning today. While the Merck-INBio agreement provides a fascinating example of a private partnership that contributes to rural economic development, rainforest conservation, and technology transfer, virtually no precedent exists for national policies and legislation to govern and regulate what amounts to a brand new industry.

Since wealth and technology are as concentrated in most of the North as biodiversity and poverty are in much of the South, the question of equity is particularly hard to answer in ways that satisfy everyone with a stake in the outcome.

The interests of bioprospecting corporations are not the same as those of people who live in a biodiversity "hot spot," many of them barely eking out a living. As the search for wild species whose genes can yield new medicines and better crops gathers momentum, these rich habitats also sport more and more bioprospectors.

Like the nineteenth-century California gold rush or its present-day counterpart in Brazil, this "gene rush" could wreak havoc on ecosystems and the people living in or near them. Done properly, however, bioprospecting can bolster both economic and conservation goals while underpinning the medical and agricultural advances needed to combat disease and sustain growing populations.

The majority of our current plant-derived drugs were discovered by examining the traditional use of plants by the indigenous people who lived where the plants grew and flourished. History has shown that the situation with the rainforest is no different, and bioprospectors now are working side by side with rainforest tribal shamans and herbal healers to learn the wealth of their plant knowledge and about the many uses of indigenous plants.

After the Amerindians discovered America, about twenty millennia before Columbus, all their clothing, food, medicine, and shelter were derived from the forests. Those millennia gave the Indians time to discover and learn empirically the virtues and vices of the thousands of edible and medicinal species in the rainforest.

More than 80 percent of the developed world's diet originated in the rainforest and from this empirical indigenous knowledge of the wealth of edible fruits, vegetables, and nuts. Of the estimated 3,000 edible fruits found in the rainforest, only 200 are cultivated for use today, despite the fact that the Indians used more than 1,500. Many secrets and untold treasures about the medicinal plants used by shamans, healers, and the indigenous people of the rainforest tribes await discovery.

Long regarded as hocus-pocus by science, the empirical plant knowledge of the indigenous peoples is now thought by many to be the Amazon's new gold.

Their use of the plants provides the bioprospector with the clues necessary to target specific species to research in the race for time before the species are lost to deforestation. More often, the race is defined as being the first pharmaceutical company to patent a new drug utilizing a newly discovered rainforest phytochemical-and, of course, to garner the profits.

Indigenous People, A Valuable Resource

Laboratory synthesis of new medicines is increasingly costly and not as fruitful as companies would like. In the words of one major drug company executive, "Scientists may be able to make any molecule they can imagine on a computer, but Mother Nature . . . is an infinitely more ingenious and exciting chemist." Scientists have developed new technologies to assess the chemical makeup of plants, and they realize that using medicinal plants identified by Indians makes reserch more efficient and less expensive.

With these new trends, drug development has actually returned to its roots: traditional medicine. It is now understood by bioprospectors that the tribal peoples of the rainforest represent the key to finding new and useful tropical forest plants. The degree to which these indigenous people understand and are able to use this diversity sustainably is astounding. A single Amazonian tribe of Indians may use more than 200 species of plants for medicinal purposes alone.

Of the 121 pharmaceutical drugs that are plant-derived today, 74 percent were discovered through follow-up research to verify the authenticity of information concerning the medical uses of the plant by indigenous peoples.

Thus, to this day, very few rainforest tribes have been subjected to a complete ethnobotanical analysis. Robert Goodland of the World Bank wrote,

"Indigenous knowledge is essential for the use, identification and cataloguing of the tropical biota. As tribal groups disappear, their knowledge vanishes with them. The preservation of these groups is a significant economic opportunity for the [developing] nation, not a luxury."

Since Amazonian Indians are often the only ones who know both the properties of these plants and how they can best be used, their knowledge is now considered an essential component of all efforts to conserve and develop the rainforest. Since unadequate to document this lore would represent a tremendous economic and scientific loss to the industrialized world, the bioprospectors are now working side by side with the rainforest tribal shamans and herbal healers to learn the wealth of their plant knowledge.

But bioprospecting has a dark side. Indian knowledge that has resisted the pressure of "modernization" is being used by bioprospectors who, like oil companies and loggers destroying the forests, threaten to leave no benefits behind them.

Few Benefits for the Indigenous People

It's a noble idea-the ethnobotanist working with the Indians seeking a cure for cancer or even AIDS, like Sean Connery in the movie Medicine Man.

Thus behind this lurks a system that, at its worst, steals the Indian knowledge to benefit CEOs, stockholders, and academic careers and reputations.

The real goal of these powerful bioprospectors is to target novel and active phytochemicals for medical applications, synthesize them in a laboratory, and have them patented for subsequent drug manufacture and resulting profits. In this process, many active and beneficial plants have been found in the shaman's medicine chest, only to be discarded when it was found that the active ingredients of the plant numbered too many to be cost effectively synthesized into a patentable drug. It doesn't matter how active or beneficial the plant is or how long the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) process might take to approve the new drug; if the bioprospector can't capitalize on it, the public will rarely hear about a plant's newly discovered benefits.

The fact is there is a lot of money at stake. In an article published in Economic Botany, Dr. Robert Mendelsohn, an economist at Yale University, and Dr. Michael J. Balick, director of the Institute of Economic Botany at the New York Botanical Gardens, estimate the minimum number of pharmaceutical drugs potentially remaining to be extracted from the rainforests. It is staggering! They estimate that there are at least 328 new drugs that still await discovery in the rainforest, with a potential value of $3 billion to $4 billion to a private pharmaceutical company and as much as $147 billion to society as a whole.

While the indigenous Indian shamans go about their daily lives caring for the well-being of their tribe, the shaman's rainforest medicines are being tested, synthesized, patented, and submitted for FDA approval in U.S. laboratories thousands of miles away. Soon children with viral infections, adults with herpes, cancer patients, and many others may benefit from new medicines from the Amazon rainforest. But what will the indigenous tribes see of these wonderful new medicines? As corporations rush to patent indigenous medicinal knowledge, the originating indigenous communities receive few, if any, benefits.


The destruction of the rainforest has followed the pattern of seeing natural land and natural world peoples as resources to be used, and seeing wilderness as idle, empty, and unproductive.

Destruction of our rainforests is not only causing the extinction of plant and animal species, it is also wiping out indigenous peoples who live in the rainforest. Obviously, rainforests are not idle land, nor are they uninhabited.

Indigenous peoples have developed technologies and resource use systems that have allowed them to live on the land, farming, hunting, and gathering in a complex sustainable relationship with the forest. But when rainforests die, so do the indigenous peoples.

In 1500 there were an estimated 6 million to 9 million indigenous people inhabiting the rainforests in Brazil. When Western and European cultures were drawn to Brazil's Amazon in the hopes of finding riches beyond comprehension and artifacts from civilizations that have long since expired with the passage of time, they left behind decimated cultures in their ravenous wake.

By the 1900 there were only 1 million indigenous people left in Brazil's Amazon. Although the fabled Fountain of Youth was never discovered, many treasures in gold and gems were spirited away by the more successful invaders of the day, and the indigenous inhabitants of the rainforest bore the brunt of these marauding explorers and conquistadors.

Today there are fewer than 250,000 indigenous people of Brazil surviving this catastrophe, and still the destruction continues. These surviving indigenous people still demonstrate the remarkable diversity of the rainforest because they comprise 215 ethnic groups with 170 different languages. Nationwide, they live in 526 territories, which together compose an area of 190 million acres . . . twice the size of California.

About 188 million acres of this land is inside the Brazilian Amazon, in the states of Acre, Amapa, Amazonas, Maranhao, Mato Grosso, Para, Rondonia, Roraima, and Tocantins. There may also be 50 or more indigenous groups still living in the depths of the rainforest that have never had contact with the outside world.

Throughout the rainforest, forest-dwelling peoples whose age-old traditions allow them to live in and off the forest without destroying it are losing out to cattle ranching, logging, hydroelectric projects, large-scale farms, mining, and colonization schemes. About half of the original Amazonian tribes have already been completely destroyed.

The greatest threat to Brazil's remaining tribal people, most of whom live in the Amazon rainforest, is the invasion of their territory by ranchers, miners, and land speculators and the conflicts that follow. Thousands of peasants, rubber tappers, and indigenous tribes have been killed in Amazonia in the past decade in violent conflicts over forest resources and land.

As their homelands continue to be invaded and destroyed, rainforest people and their cultures are disappearing. When these indigenous peoples are lost forever, gone too will be their empirical knowledge representing centuries of accumulated knowledge of the medicinal value of plant and animal species in the rainforest. Very few tribes have been subjected to a complete ethnobotanical analysis of their plant knowledge, and most medicine men and shamans remaining in the rainforests today are seventy years old or more.

When a medicine man dies without passing his arts on to the next generation, the tribe and the world lose thousands of years of irreplaceable knowledge about medicinal plants. Each time a rainforest medicine man dies, it is as if a library has burned down.


The problem and the solution of the destruction of the rainforest are both economic. Governments need money to service their debts, squatters and settlers need money to feed their families, and companies need to make profits. The simple fact is that the rainforest is being destroyed for the income and profits it yields, however fleeting. Money still makes the world go around . . . even in South America and even in the rainforest.

But this also means that if landowners, governments, and those living in the rainforest today were given a viable economic reason not to destroy the rainforest, it could and would be saved. And this viable economic alternative does exist, and it is working today.

Many organizations have demonstrated that if the medicinal plants, fruits, nuts, oils, and other resources like rubber, chocolate, and chicle (used to make chewing gums) are harvested sustainably, rainforest land has much more economic value today and more long-term income and profits for the future than if just timber is harvested or burned down for cattle or farming operations. In fact, the latest statistics prove that rainforest land converted to cattle operations yields the landowner $60 per acre; if timber is harvested, the land is worth $400 per acre.

However, if medicinal plants, fruits, nuts, rubber, chocolate, and other renewable and sustainable resources are harvested, the land will yield the landowner $2,400 per acre. This value provides an income not only today, but year after year - for generations. These sustainable resources - not the trees - are the true wealth of the rainforest.

This is no longer a theory. It is a fact, and it is being implemented today. Just as important, to wild-harvest the wealth of sustainable rainforest resources effectively, local people and indigenous tribes must be employed. Today entire communities and tribes earn five to ten times more money in wild-harvesting medicinal plants, fruits, nuts, and oils than they can earn by chopping down the forest for subsistence crops. This much-needed income source creates the awareness and economic incentive for this population in the rainforest to protect and preserve the forests for long-term profits for themselves and their children and is an important solution in saving the rainforest from destruction.
When the timber is harvested for short-term gain and profits, the medicinal plants, nuts, oils, and other important sustainable resources that thrive in this delicate ecosystem are destroyed. The real solution to saving the rainforest is to make its inhabitants see the forest and the trees by creating a consumer demand and consumer markets for these sustainable rainforest products . . . markets that are larger and louder than today's tropical timber market . . . markets that will put as much money in their pockets and government coffers as the timber companies do . . . markets that will give them the economic incentive to protect their sustainable resources for long-term profits, rather than short-term gain.

This is the only solution that makes a real impact, and it can make a real difference. Each and every person in the United States can take a part in this solution by helping to create this consumer market and demand for sustainable rainforest products.

By purchasing renewable and sustainable rainforest products and resources and demanding sustainable harvesting of these resources using local communities and indigenous tribes of the rainforests, we all can be part of the solution, and the rainforests of the world and their people can be saved.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

bab haji

اللهم صلى على محمد اللهم صلى عليه وسلم
اللهم أنصر المجاهدين في كل مكان امين
اللهم صلى على محمد اللهم صلى عليه وسلم
Tahallul awal adalah apabila selesai dua dari 3 hal ini
i. Lontar di 3 jamrah ; jamrah kubra, wusta aqabah…sehingga pada 13 zulhijjah
ii. Tawaf dan sai
iii. Cukur dan gunting
Selepas tahallul sani baru halal untuk
1. kahwin, mengahwini dan wakil untuk kahwin
2. mukadimah jima’
3. jima’
Nafar awal adalah meninggalkan mina pada 12 zulhijjah tanpa sleep, tak lontar pada 13 tak bermale
Telah solat maghrib pada 11, 12, selesai melontar di ketiga jamrah di 11, 12 zulhijjah
Keluar meninggalkan mina selepas gelincir matahari pada 12, telah duduk di mina pada 11,12 tanpa niat untuk kembali ke mina.keluar darimina tanpa niat nafar awal selesailontar di ketiga jamrah pada 11, 12 zulhijjah
Meninggalkan mina pada 12 zulhijjah tanpa bermale pada 13 zulhijjah , tak lontar pada 13 zulhijjah

Mohonpencerahan dan edit jika kurang tepat

Tahlul Awal terhasil apabila selesai 2 drp 3 perkara:-
1.Melontar di Jamrah Kubro
2.Tawaf dan Saie

1 dan 3 (Tahlul Awal)
Gugur 10 larangan Ihram kecuali 3

i) Berkawin/mengakawinkan/menerima wakil kawain
ii) Mukadimah persetubuhan

Tahlul Thani terhasil apabila selesai 3 perkara:-
1.Melontar di Jamrah Kubro
2.Tawaf dan Saie

1,2 dan 3 (Tahlul Thani)
Gugur semua larangan Ihram.

Hari2 tashriq (11,12 dan 13 zulhijah)
Nafar Awal adalah meninggalkan Mina pada hari tasriq yang kedua (12 zulhijah) selepas bermalam dan melontar pada kedua kedua hari tashriq 11 dan 12 zulhijah dan berazam tidak akan kembali balik ke Mina lagi sebelum masanya magrib pada 12 zulhijah.

Ustaz Badlishah Alaudin ngajar di tv hijrah hari ni rabu 26.10.2011kul 3 petang bab dam
Matlamat dam
a. Menampung kekurangan dalamibadah haji
b. Untuk kita mengelak perkara yang jadi kesalahan sewaltu ihram
Jenis dam ada empat
1. Tertib taqdir...satu demi satu ikut tertib...1 kambing atau 1kibas atau 1/7 lembu atau 1/7 unta yang cukupsayarat untuk buat korban...jikatakmampu maka perlu [uasa 10 hari yaitu 3 hari dimakkah dan7 hari di malazi /kampung sendiri...jika takmampu buleh puasa 10 hari dikampung/malazi jika takmampu buleh sedekah 10 cupak makanan asasi... 1 cupak= 5 riyal arabkalau takmampu makatertanggung pada zimmahnya.
Sebab damtertib taqdir sebab dia laksana ihram haji tamatu’ dengan syarat syarat...
a. Dia bukanorg makkah
b. Tinggal 2 marhalah dari tanah haram
c. Haji dan umrah dalambulan haji pada tahun haji yang sama
d. Tak niat haji di miqat. Niat haji di miqat adalah hal wajib haji
e. Tak niat ihram haji 2 marhalah dari tanah haram

2. Tahyir takdir
3. Tertib takdir
4. Tertib..

Mohon pencerahansebab tak DANnak catat di tv hijrah
1. unta,lembu, jamusun/ wahsi/ kerbau usia 3 tahun
2. kibas 1 tahunke 2 tahun bersalin gigi hadapan
Haiwan tidak cacat
Mudah sebab haiwan ini telah diuruskan oleh pihak urus dam haji...Cuma kita perlu niat sempurna dam
Price kambing, lembu, unta ikut market price
Satu lembu buleh untuk 7 dam
Satu kambing untuk satu dam

bahaya tabiat makan daging khinzir

Bukan isu baru apabila haiwan babi menjadi ancaman kesihatan kepada manusia. Dahulu, kita didedahkan dengan penemuan cacing pita (aenia solium) di dalam daging babi yang mengancam kesihatan orang yang rutinnya memakan daging babi.

Kemudian sekitar 1998-2000, negara kita gempar dengan virus maut misteri yang berasal daripada babi, dan akhirnya dikenali dengan nama ‘Japanese Encephalitis’ (JE) dan virus nipah. Lebih 100 terkorban termasuk 30 orang kanak-kanak. Sebagai langkah pencegahan, ribuan anggota tentera dikerahkan untuk untuk memusnahkan ratusan ribu babi, terutama di Bukit Pelandok, Perak.

Terkini, dunia dikejutkan dengan penularan virus berbahaya yang dinamakan Influenza A (H1N1). Atau nama Melayunya Selsema Babi. Angka kematian terkini yang disahkan oleh Pertubuhan Kesihatan Sedunia (WHO) akibat wabak ini ialah seramai 72 orang daripada keseluruhan 8480 kes yang dikesan.

Wabak yang cukup mencemaskan. Memaksa sesetengah negara mengambil tindakan menghentikan kemasukan daging babi yang diimport dari luar. Di negara kita, Kementerian Pertanian dan Industri Asas Tani menghentikan serta-merta permit baru bagi mengimport daging babi. Malah, permit import yang diberikan kepada syarikat pengimport daging haiwan itu dari negara antaranya China, Eropah, Australia dan Vietnam akan ditarik balik sekiranya wabak Influenza A merebak lebih serius.

Semua orang tahu tabiat kehidupan dan makanan babi. ia haiwan yang sangat pengotor. Menyondol dan memakan apa sahaja yang disuakan kepadanya, termasuk najis haiwan atau manusia. Tidak hairan pelbagai parasit dan cacing berbahaya terdapat pada babi. Selain itu, sistem biokimia babi mengeluarkan hanya 2% dari seluruh kandungan uric acidnya, manakala 98% sisanya tersimpan dalam tubuhnya, menjadikannya haiwan yang sangat kotor.

Sudah terang lagi bersuluh. Ajaran Islam yang diwahyukan sejak 1,400 tahun yang lalu sudah mengambil tindakan mencegah segala penyakit dan virus yang berpunca daripada haiwan babi. Islam mengharamkan umatnya memakan daging babi. Di dalam Al-Quran bukan sekali disebut keharaman daging babi. Tetapi diulangi penegasan hukum ini dalam empat ayat, iaitu Al-Baqarah: 173, Al-Maidah: 3, Al-An’am: 145, dan Al-Nahl: 115.

Di dalam Sunnah pula, Nabi Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam menyuruh berjaga-jaga dengan bekas makanan orang kafir yang digunakan untuk memasak babi. Abu Tsa’labah al-Khusyani bertanya Nabi, “Kami berjiran dengan Ahli Kitab, dan mereka memasak daging babi dalam periuk-periuk mereka, dan meminum arak di dalam bekas-bekas mereka”. Baginda menjawab, “Kalau kamu mendapati bekas-bekas lain, maka makan dan minumlah dalam bekas lain itu. Kalau kamu tidak mendapati bekas lain, basuhlah bekas-bekas itu dengan air, dan makan minumlah”. Direkod oleh Abu Daud dan Tirmizi. Kata Tirmizi, “Hadis hasan sahih’.

Nabi Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam juga pernah membuat perumpamaan untuk suatu yang haram dengan perbuatan memegang daging dan darah babi. Alangkah jelek dan kotornya perbuatan itu. Di dalam hadis Buraidah r.a, baginda bersabda, “Sesiapa bermain nardasyir (sejenis permainan), seolah-olah dia menyelupkan tangannya ke dalam daging babi dan darahnya”. Direkod oleh Muslim.

Hari ini terbukti bahawa ajaran yang diucapkan oleh Rasulullah Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam ribuan tahun dahulu bukan sebarangan ajaran. Ia ajarah yang penuh hikmah dan kebaikan. Ajaran yang terserlah tanda-tanda kebenaran dan kewahyuannya dari langit. Hanya mereka yang sombong dan angkuh sahaja yang degil dan memejam mata daripada menerima kebenaran

Thursday, October 13, 2011

herba_analisa tanah_3.12pm_13.10.2011

Soil analysis
Seven soil chemical parameters were analysed
1. Total nitrogen, N
2. Total phosphorus P
3. Total Potassium, K
4. Total Magnesium Mg
5. Total Cation exchangeable capacity CEC
6. Available phosphorus
7. Soil pH
Reffered to Amir Husni 1994 as cited in zahari salleh 1994 These parameters were found to be significantly correlated with species pattern in a study on a lowland dipterokarp forest in Jangka and Tekam Forest Reserve
An automic absorbtion spectrometer was used to determine total K and Mg, while an auto-analyzer was used to determine total P, total n and total CEC. For P available, a spectrophotometer at 882 nm was used.

using Auger untuk ambilsampeltanah pada aras 1-15 cm dalamdan15-30cm dalam_depth


pengalamandi bidang hutan sejak usia 20 tahun


Pengalaman di hutan bermula sewaktu belajar ijazah pengurusan hutan di UPM (usia 20 tahun) sejak 20 tahun lalu...bermula di fakulti hutan UPM sehingga kini...usia 41 tahun
1. Hutan gunung Angsi negeri sembilan
2. Hutan ladang sungai sam di jalan dari kuala krai menuju gua musang dekat kampung la’loh...ladang acacia mangium.waktun praktikal dengan jabatan hutan negeri kelantan darul naim
3. Hutan anak sungai nenggiri
4. Hutan anak sungai galas dekat dengan kampung limau kasturi
5. Hutan simpan air hitam di selangor darul ehsan
6. Hutan di sungai congkak trekking sehingga sampai di kemenshah Ampang.sewaktu praktikal dengan jabatan hutan negeri selangor di usia 23 tahun.
7. Hutan di cenulang dekat sungai durian kuala krai.sewaktu latihan taktik conventional warfare dan sewaktu bertugas dengan general lumber fabricators and builders berhad bersama assistant manager Ahmad ishak dan salman saaban
8. Hutan di banjaran crocker di sungai ulu padas 1.2 million acre dekat kampung ore murut ulu tomani. sewaktu bertugas dengan general lumber fabricators and builder berhad...senior manager nama abdul rashid marzuki, GMD bernama tuan haji abdul wahhab. pejabat di sabah di batu 3 jalan nabawan ke kalabakan pensinganan...danada satu pejabat di karamunsing. Puak makan rasuah nama dennis...abdul wahhab muhamad forestry executive sahabat saya label kan dennis the firaun.
9. Hutan simpan tekai tembeling_praktikal sewaktu belajar ijazah sains hutan di fakulti hutan upm serdang dengan jabatan hutan negeri phg darul makmur_contractor lion west company yang jalankan logging operation_saya jalankan tugas tree marking dengan ranjer jabatan hutan bukit sekilau kuatan phg darul makmur seperti ranjer salam, ranjer hanafiah dll, thank u ranger bukit sekilau yang telah mengajar saya hal hutan bukit dan herba
10. Hutan simpan dekat selancar, cenderawasih
11. Hutan taman negeri endau rompin...trekking 7 hari redah hutan hingga tembus ikut ladang acacia mangium mersing johor
12. Hutan di endau kluang johor
13. Hutan di jeli kelate_sewaktu bertugas dengan general lumber fabricators and builder berhad milik Tuan haji Nik mahmud Nik hasan_saya masihningat namaseperti tuan haji wanmustafa ,abdul rashid marzuki org kedah, abu bakar darsi, salman saaban, matius abun , runai, herman, masuri, abe mukhtar, shazali anak abe mukhtar, fauzi, din pomen, Ahmad ishak, azlina, puan sarimah, shirin kaur, abdul wahab mohamad , GMD sabah tuan haji abdul wahab,...fauzi org tanah merah pernah ngajar ilmu mengenal kayu...
14. Trekking menjadi urusetia pertandingan eco_challange daki Gunung Tahan trekking hiking hingga ke Puncak Gunung Tahan pada akhir tahun 1999_ naik gunung tahan bersama salman saaban, yusuf sharif, abdul malik, sabaruddin mat qari...yang tak sampai puncak adalah haydar khan...kami yang sampai puncak gunung tahan telah bermale one night rest and sleep with peacefull...dapat lihat tasik kenyir dari puncak gunung tahan yang di pandu arah oleh sabaruddin mat qari...
15. Trekking untuk inventori Endau Rompin _Taman Negeri Johor
16. Trekking untuk inventori Rizab endau Kota Tinggi Timur dan western negeri Johor darul takzim
17. Base camp untuk inventori Taman Negara Kelate Darul Naim_encik yusuf sharif jadi ketua inventori- di sini temu moon rat_abdul rahim yang fasik telah bunuh moon rat...sedih tengok moon rat mati
18. Inventori rizab HL Sungkai Negeri Perak_ronda dan survey kampung org asli semai
19. Trekking untuk inventori rizab hl endau Kota Tinggi Johor
20. Trekking inventori hutan di Kuala Tahan Taman Negara Pahe_naik bot dan trekking
21. Trekking inventori di kawasan hutan belukar bukit_Taman Negara Tranung
22. Trekking inventori di kawasan Bi’wah di Tasik Kenyir Taman Negara Tranung_ pengalaman the best experience_air amat bersih kelas pertama di anak sungainya
23. Trekking di kawasan Tasik Empangan Temenggor Perak sehingga tiba di kampung ore asli Sungai Tiang Negeri Perak_ disini nampak tuan haji sahir berenang dari sangkar ikan ke sangkar ikan...ta’jub lihat kuat nya tuan haji sahir org negeri perak anak murid Allahyarham ustaz dahlan utara. Haji sahir telah bersara .tuan haji sahir adalah insan yang baik dan mudah minta bantuan...ramai ranjer dan staf sayang kepada haji sahir
24 hutan simpan dekat kaki gunung pergunungan ais pahe darul makmur ber hampiran dengan sungai Som. pergunungan ais ...satu gunung yang amat best...saya hanya sampai di kaki gunung...dukacita ada puak pembalak ambil kayu logging operation by tractor di hutan dekat kaki gunung hampir dengan sungai som...
*** Kebanyakan trekking melibatkan perjalanan 36-40km ambil masa seminggu lebih...10 hari
25.Ladang acacia mangium di kemasul pahe darul makmur...kini dengarnya nak tukar kepada pokok getah. Ni waktu praktikal dengan jabatan hutan negeri phg darul makmur sewaktu saya belajar ijazah sains perhutanan tahun 2di upm serdang. Usia saya 23 tahun
26.Sungai Tekala...dekat empangan semenyih
27.hutan simpan Pasir Panjang Tanjung Tuan Malaka di semester satu fakulti hutan UPM tahun...dekat dengan port dickson...datang bersama pensyarah fakulti hutanUPM Dr Faridah Hanum

wallahu ‘alam

Wednesday, October 12, 2011



Ashton ecological studies in mixed diptro forest of brunei state oxford for. Mem. 45pp oxford

Ashton, P.S 1977 a contribution of rain forest resources to evolutionary theory. Ann Missouri Bot, Garden, 64; 694-705

Baillie, I.C and ashton, P.S. 1983. Some soil aspects of nutrient cycle in mixed diptero forest in Sarawak, pp; 347-356

Bjorkman, O. and Holmgren, P. 1966. Photosyhthetic adaption to light intensity of plant native to shade to expose habitats. Phy. Plant. 19:854-855

Borhan Mohamad and Abdul Rahman kassim 1988 Growth and yield of Keruing Dipterocarpus baundii under plantation in plot no.8, FRIM Kepong, paper prepared for the IUFRO/ FRIM seminar on the growth and yield of tropical rain forest, 20-24 june 1988 , K.L Malaysia

Burgess, P.F 1968 The ecological study of the hill forest of the s.m: an assessment after nine months preliminary investigation. Malayan forester 31;314-325

Hilton, G 1987 Nutrient cycling in tropical rain forest: implicatiob for management and sustainable yield. Forest biology and management 22; pp297-300

Mohd Basri Hamzah 1992 Study on vegetation at Pasir Panjang Forest Reserve Tanjung Tuan Malaka, Fakulti Hutan UPM Serdang Selangor

Smith, J.S. 1965 Past, present and future management of rain forest Jour. Ecology, 56:pp13-17

Tang, H.T. 1976 Regeneration stocking adequancy standards. Mal. For. Vol.41 (2): pp 176-183
Wan Yusuf Wan Ahmad 1979. A study of soil properties along topographic gradient in a Meranti Sseraya. Shorea curtisii ridge forest. B. Sc. Forestry. Project UPM 68pp

taqdir dan taubat nasuha insan terlanjur bersalah

أستغفرالله العظيم
اللهم أغفرلنا ذنوبنا امين
إن رحمتي غلبت غضبي
Apabila sedekah dapat menghilangkan maksiat
إمتثل الأوامر وإجتناب الواهي
Laksanakan perintah Allah ,hindari larangan Allah

Hai hamba-hamba-Ku yang melampaui batas terhadap diri
mereka sendiri, janganlah kamu berputus asa dari rahmat Allah. Sesungguhnya Allah mengampuni dosa-dosa semuanya. Sesungguhnya Dia-lah Yang Mohor Pengampun lagi Mohor Penyayang.” (Az-Zumar :53)
hadis ada sebut "Sesungguhnya AdDinul Islam akan dibantu oleh lelaki fajir"...
Ore fajir apabila dah bertaubat nasuha (bermakna bersih...
InsyaAllah akan faham banyak hal dari pengalaman yang telah ditempuhnya...
Ore fajir yang bertaubat...InsyaAllah akan membantu gerak tugas selaku manusia Khalifah di Bumi...

Ada sahabat yang asalnya fajir... apabila bertaubat masuk Islam...berjihad serta naik Syahid... dalam jihad fil Qital...
Hadis 978 sahih muslim jilid 2
Daripada abu hurairah radhiallahu anhu daripada nabi Sallallahu alaihi wasalam bersabda ...
Ada insan lelaki berkata...
Aku nak bersedekah pada haza lail/)pada male ini...
Lalu dia keluar membawa sedekahnya dan disedekahkannya kepada perempuan lacur
Besok paginya ore ramai memperkatakan akan hal bahawa male tadi ada pelacur yang diberi sedekah...
Insan yang tealh sedekah tersebut berujar...
Wahai Allah semua puji adalah bagi Mu yang telah mentakdirkan sedekahku jatuh kepada pelacur...
Aku akan bersedekah lagi...lalu dia pergi membawa sedekahnya...lalu diberikannya kepada ore kaya...
Pagi pagi hari ore ramai memperkatakanpula bahawa male tadi/ the night ada insan telah berikan sedekah kpd ore kaya / insan kaya harta...
Lalu ore yg telah bersedekah berkata
Wahai Allah semua puji bagiMu ...kerana engkau telah menjadikan sedekahku jatuh kpd ore kaya...
Aku akan bersedekah lagi...
Dia pergi pula membawakan sedekahnya dan diberikan kpd pencuri

Pagi pagi hari ore ramai membicarakan akan hal ada ore yang bersedekah kpd pencuri
Ore yang telah bersedekah berkata...
Ya allah semua puji bagiMu yang telah mentakdirkan sedekahku jatuh kepada pelacur, kepada ore kaya dan kpd pencuri
Kemudian ore yg bersedekah didatangi malaikat yang berkata...
Sedekah anda telah diterima baik ...kesanya adalah mudah mudahan dia bertaubat serta berhenti dari melacur
Kepada si kaya ...mudah mudahan dia sedar bertaubat lalu dia rajin pula bersedekah
Kepada si pencuri mudah mudahan dia berhenti mencuri....
Ayat 56 surah AlMudassir
Dab mereka tidsak aan mengambil pelajaran dari AlQur’an kecuali jika Allah mengkehendakinya. Dia adalah Tuhan yang wajib kita Taqwa dan Yang berhak memberi Ampun
Taqwa= Imtisalul awamir wajtinabu nawahir

Ayat 12 surah Al Mulk
Sesungguhnya ore ore yang bertaqwa kepada Tuhannya yang tidak terlihat oleh mereka, mereka mendapat ampunan dan pahala yang besar
Ayat 20 surah Al Hadid
Ketahuilah sesungguhnya kehidupan dunia itu adalah permainan dan gurauan, perj\hiasan dan saling berbangga di antara kamu serta berlumba dlm kekayaan dan anak keturunan seperti hujan yang tanam tanamannya mengagumkan para petani, kemudian tanaman itu menjadi kering dan kamu lihat warnanya kuning kemudian menjadi hancur. Dan di akhirat nanti ada azab yang perit dab Ampunan dari Allah serta keridhaan Nya dan kehidupan dunia hanyalah kemewahan yang palsu
Nasib hanya sekitar alam dunia fana...sedang taqdir rezeki sehingga insan dapat masuk aljannah dengan Rahmah Allah
Ayat 21 surah AlHadid
Berlumba lumba lah kamu untuk mendapat ampunan Allah dan aljannah yang luas seluas langit dan bumi yang disediakan untuk insane beriman kepada Allah dan Rasulullah. Inilah anugerah Allah berikan kpd nsan yang Dia kehendaki. Sesungguhnya Allah mempunyai Anugerah Yang Besar.

Ayat 32 surah An najm
Insan yang menjauhi maksiat dosa besar dan perbuatan keji kecuali kesalahan kecil. Sungguh Tuhanmu mohor luas ampunanNya. Dia mengetahui hal kamu sejak Dia menciptakan kamu dari tanah lalu ketika kamu masih janin dalam rahim ibu. Maka janganlah menganggap diri kamu suci. Dia mengetahui hal dan ma’al insan berTaqwa
***ma_al bermaksud alam akhirat
***maksud hal=alam dunia

Ayat 3 surah AlHujurat
Sesungguhnya insan yang merendahkan suara di sisi Rasulullah Sallallahu alaihi WaSalam adalah insan yang telah diuji hatinya oleh Allah untuk berTaqwa. Ore ore yang akan mendapat ampunan dan pahala yang besar.
"sesiapa yang ALLAH. Mahukan dirinya berada dalam kebaikan, diujinya dia itu dengan Kesusahan"....RIWAYAT Al-BUKHARI&MUSLIM
Pengertian taubat harus dilihat daripada tiga hal
1. Ilmu_Al ilmu Nurun
2. Keadaan_BIAH/suasana
3. Perbuatan
Ilmu menjurus kepada keadaan, keadaan menimbulkan perbuatan_Af’al

Hadis ibnu majah Ibnu hibban dan Al hakim
An_Nadimu Taubah
النادم التوبة

Surah anNur ayat 31
Dan bertaubatlah sekalian insan yang beriman supaya kamu berjaya

Surah attahrim ayat 8
Insan yang beriman bertaubatlah kpd Allah dgn taubat nasuha

Surah albaqarah ayat 227

Sesungguhnya Allah menyukai insan yang bertaubat dan Allah menyukai insan yang membersihkan diri

Atta_ibu minal zanbi kama la zanbalahu hadis riwayat ibnu majah

Susuli kerburukan dgn amal kebajikan/kebaikan . maka kebaikan akan menghilangkan dosa keburukan yang lalu

Hadis riwayat AtTabrani
Surah AnNisa’ ayat 17
Sesungguhnya insan yang bertaubat kpd Allah yang telah terlanjur melakukan kejahatan kemudian dia bertaubat

Surah AlGhaafir/ surah Mukmin ayat 3
Allah yang mohor pengampun dosa dan Yang menerima taubat

Surah AsSyura ayat 25
Dan dialah Tuhan yang menerima taubat dgn para hambaNya serta memaafkan kejahatan
Kullu bani Adam kho’to’un wa khairul_kho’toiin atTauwabun hadis riwayat atTirmizi dan Al hakim

Dari Abu Hurairah r.a. bahwa Rasulullah saw. telah bersabda yang artinya, “Kedua mata itu bisa melakukan zina, kedua tangan itu (bisa) melakukan zina, kedua kaki itu (bisa) melakukan zina. Dan kesemuanya itu akan dibenarkan atau diingkari oleh alat kelamin.” Imam Bukhari dan Muslim dan “Tercatat atas anak Adam nasibnya dari perzinaan dan dia pasti mengalaminya.
Hai hamba-hamba-Ku yang malampaui batas terhadap dirimereka sendiri, janganlahkamu berputus asa dari rahmat Allah. Sesungguhnya Allah mengampuni dosa-dosa semuanya.
Sesungguhnya Dia-lah Yang Maha Pengampun lagi Maha Penyayang.” (Az-Zumar :53)
hadis ada sebut "Sesungguhnya AdDinul Islam akan dibantu oleh lelaki fajir"... Ore fajir apabila dah bertaubat nasuha (bermakna bersih... InsyaAllah akan faham banyak hal dari pengalaman yang telah ditempuhnya... Ore fajir yang bertaubat...InsyaAllah akan membantu gerak tugas selaku manusia Khalifah di Bumi... Ada sahabat yang asalnya fajir... apabila bertaubat masuk Islam...berjihad serta naik Syahid... dalam jihad fil Qital...

teringat kata-kata dalam kitab Hikam:
وربما قضى عليك بالذنب فكان سببا في الوصول
Dan barangkali Dia mentaqdirkan ke atas kamu dengan dosa, Lalu ia menjadi sebab kepada wusul /sampai

Semua adalah rezeki yang Allah telah tetapkan...
Asas-asas mazhab Ahlus Sunnah :
1. Mengenal/ma’rifatul_Allah adalah secara syarak melalui al Quran dan Hadis.
2. Alam ini adalah bersifat baru.
3. Iman ialah pembenaran /tasdiq, dan amalan solih adalah penyempurna iman.
4. Menetapkan /tidak menafikan sifat-sifat ma'ani Allah.
5. Al-Quran adalah Qadim /bersifat qidam/tidak berpermulaan/bukan makhluk. Allahu huwa Awwalu Akhiru wa Zahiru wa Bathinu
الله هو الأول والأخير والطهير والبطين
6. Tidak kewajiban ke atas Allah.
7. Harus bagi hak Allah Taala memberi pahala mengampuni Insan yang dikehendakinya atau menyiksa (dosa), dan mengutus para rasul. Harus juga melihat Allah Taala di Akhirat.
8. Allah mengkehendaki kebaikan dan kejahatan terhadap makhluqnya. ***
9. Qadha' dan Qadar pada perbuatan-perbuatan (kasbi...hamba yang berbentuk ikhtiar. Kasbi dirujuk kamus bermakna USAHA. maknanya usaha jua adalah dalam Qada' dan Qadar yang Allah telah Taqdirkan
10. Allah yang menciptakan perbuatan (kasbi hamba yang berbentuk ikhtiar.
11. Tiada siapa yang maksum kecuali para Nabi dan Rasulullah.
12. Menetapkan adanya soal kubur, nikmat dan siksaannya.
13. Kebangkitan adalah dengan jasad dan ruh.
14. Ada syafaat untuk pembuat dosa besar. Allah bersifat mohor Pengampun
15. Syurga dan neraka adalah wujud. Keduanya kekal.
16. imam agung bukanlah dari rukun Agama Islam .ini adalah hujjah dgn puak syiah
Ahlus Sunnah Wal Jamaah
Kalangan Ahlus Sunnah terdiri dari dua kelompok, iaitu para pengikut Abul Hasan al-Asya'ari dan al-Maturidiyah, ya’ni para pengikut Abu Mansur al-Maturidi. Golongan ini muncul sewaktu khalifah al-Mutawakil mengangkat/tidak melakukan ujian terhadap ahli fikah dan orang-orang Islam serta menjauhkan diri dari puak Muktazilah. Dan aliran pemikiran Muktazilah telah kehilangan kendali akibat hilang kepercayaan umum terhadap mereka. Keraguan-keraguan (penyelewengan) yang telah ditulis oleh golongan Muktazilah dalam jangka waktu yang begitu panjang telah terbongkar.
Allah Taala telah melimpahkan kepada dua orang imam agung untuk mempertahankan Islam, mereka ialah Abul Hasan al-Asy'ari di Iraq dan Abu Mansur al-Maturidi di negeri dekat sungai Furat.
Kedua imam ini telah memimpin gerakan pemikiran dengan kepimpinan yang seimbang dan bijaksana, tanpa sikap melampau dan ekstrem terhadap akal sebagaimana Muktazilah, dan tidak terlalu bersikap beku terhadap nas (al-Quran dan Hadis) sebagaimana ahli fikah dan ahli hadis.

Jalan yang dilalui oleh Ahlus Sunnah di dalam memahami akidah ialah sebagaimana yang telah dilalui oleh salafus soleh. Mereka menjadikan al-Quran selaku sumber untuk mengetahui masalah akidah. Mereka memahami akidah mereka dari ayat-ayat al-Quran, dan ayat-ayat yang mengandungi kesamaran (mutasyabihah) akan cuba difahami menggunakan pendekatan bahasa nahu soraf balaghah serta tidak diingkari oleh akal fikiran yang salim aqlussalim. Jika mereka tidak dapat memahaminya, mereka akan menghentikan dari membuat penafsiran /tawaqquf. Secara umumnya, Ahlus Sunnah telah melalui jalan tengah yang menghimpunkan antara akal dan naqal (nas). Tidak terdapat perbezaan antara asas mazhab mereka dengan asas ajaran yang dibawa oleh salafus soleh, para ahli fikah dan ahli hadis. Golongan Ahlus Sunnah ini muncul pada akhir kurun ketiga Hijrah dan awal kurun keempat Hijrah sebagai mendokong ahli fikah dan ahli hadis. Mereka telah mendokong nya secara khusus dan secara umum, dan bangkit menentang golongan Muktazilah, kemudian mengambil alih tempat mereka untuk mempertahankan Islam. Pemimpin golongan al-Maturidiah ialah Abu Mansur al-Maturidi yang dilahirkan di kampung Maturid di Samarqand. Beliau begitu ikhlas mengembangkan ilmu-ilmu agama, sehingga lahirlah satu mazhab di dalam ilmu Kalam yang diikuti oleh penduduk Khurasan. Beliau meninggal dunia pada tahun 332 Hijrah. Pemimpin Asya'ariah pula ialah Abul Hasan al-As'ari yang dilahirkan di Basrah pada tahun 260 Hijrah. Pada asalnya beliau adalah penganut fahaman Muktazilah, kemudian mengasingkan diri dari orang ramai untuk mencari kebenaran. Sehingga pada suatu hari beliau muncul di hadapan masyarakat dengan hasil karangannya yang membantu Ahlus Sunnah serta menolak Muktazilah. Ajaran Ahlussunah wal jamaah Abu hasaan AsSa’ari ini telah diikuti oleh para ahli fikah dan ahli hadis. Beliau telah diangkat selaku imam mereka.
Beliau meninggal dunia di sekitar tahun 330 Hijrah. Tidak terdapat perbezaan antara ajaran Asya’ariah dan Maturidiah kecuali di dalam beberapa perkara kecil. Seperti masalah:
1-Makrifat, apakah dengan akal atau dengan syarak. - Pemahaman antara iman dan Islam. - Makna qadha' dan qadar.
2–Makna kasb /usaha.
3-Wajib siksa secara syarak. - Dan lain-lain lagi perselisihan yang biasa berlaku di kalangan ahli di dalam satu-satu mazhab, namun ia tidak membawa kepada jurang yang ketara.
Rezeki lahirnya manusia adakah dia ahli aljannah atau ahli Nar telah ditetapkan sejak berada di sulbi bapa mereka...
Rezeki lahirnya manusia adakah dia ahli aljannah atau ahli Nar telah ditetapkan sejak berada di sulbi bapa mereka... Harakah laman F8 Fikrah tarikh 14-17 jamadil akhir 1430Hijrah bersamaan 8-11.6.2009
Bab tafsir Surah Al An’am ayat 2 Allah berfirman “ Dan Dialah yang menciptakan kamu daripada tanah Ulama’ berpandangan bahawa Nabi Adam alaihisSalam adalah manusia pertama diciptakan Allah daripada tanah permukaan bumi ( dalam bahasa Arab disebut Adimul Ardhi… Adam dari kalimah Adimul Ardhi yang bermakna permukaan BUMI Allah mengambil tanah daripada jenis rasa tawar yang mana manusia yang dicipta dari jenis rasa tawar ini akan kembali ke dalam AlJannah yang mana tanah alJannah berbau Raihanul Miski Orang yang dicipta daripada tanah rasa masin akan dicampakkan ke dalam neraka Adam diciptakan pada petang hari Jumaat dengan saiznya yang tinggi sehingga kepalanya cecah sampai ke langit. Ibnu Abbas meriwayatkan bahawa Nabi Adam menunaikan fardhu haji sebanyak 40 kali dengan berjalan kaki berulang alik dari India ke Makkah.
Hadis sahih Muslim ada menyebut tinggi Nabi Adam alaihisSalam adalah 60 hasta…ada riwayat menyebut 70 hasta (ukuran hasta umat silam yang memang bersaiz besar… Ketinggian Nabi Adam menggerunkan binatang di bumi. Sebelum wafat Nabi Adam telah dikurniakan anak seramai 40,000 ore. Mengikut satu riwayat Nabi Adam wafat berhampiran bukit jabal… Yang mana Allah telah mengutuskan nya semasa turun dari aljannah ke bumi dunia yakni di India
Nabi Syith alaihisSalam anak nabi Adam serta malaikat Jibrail menunaikan solat jenazah Nabi Adam alaihissalam. Syith berkata kepada Jibrail “ Jemputlah menjadi Imam untuk solat jenazah Nabi Adam… Lantas Jibrail menjawab “ Sila lah kamu yang menjadi Imam solat jenazah dengan Takbir sebanyak 30 kali Takbir… Umur Nabi Adam alaihissalam semasa wafat ialah 936 tahun.
Sirah penciptaan Adam ada yang kuat periwayatannya dan ada jua yang dhaif periwayatannya. Alhamdulillah Asif Wallahu 'alam

Iman serta Taubat Insan terlanjur berdosa…
عن ابي هريرة ان النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم قال لا يزنى حين يزنى وهو مؤمن ولا يسرق حين يسرق وهو مؤمن ولا يشرب الخمرحين يشربها وهو مؤمن والتوبة معروضة بعد

Hadis Sahih muslim no 46 jilid 1 Dari abu Hurairah radhiallahu anhu telah berkata. Rasulullah sallallahu alihi wasalam telah bersabda… Tidak sempurna iman se seo ore yang berzina …ketika dia berzina… Imannya tidak sempurna ( La yazni azzani hiina yazzni wa huwa mu’minun… Tidak sempurna iman se se ore yang mencuri…ketika dia mencuri…Imannya tidak sempurna ketika dia mencuri (wa la yasriqu hiina yasraqu wa huwa mu’minun… Tidak sempurna iman se se orang yang meminum arak ketika dia meminumnya…Imannya tidak sempurna kitika dia meminum arak (wa la yasrabu alkhamra hiina yasrabuha wa huwa mu’minun Dan AtTaubat terbuka selepas (kesalahan dosa tersebut… Wa Taubatu ma’rudhotun ba’du
ana nak bertanya apa kah syarat syarat yang membuatkan taubat Insan diterima Allah... diampuni dosanya yang silam...
Hadis 978 sahih muslim jilid 2
Daripada abu hurairah radhiallahu anhu daripada nabi Sallallahu alaihi wasalam bersabda ...
Ada se ore lelaki berkata...
Aku nak bersedekah pada haza lail/)pada male ini...
Lalu dia keluar membawa sedekahnya dan disedekahkannya kepada perempuan lacur
Besok paginya ore ramai memperkatakan akan hal bahawa male tadi ada pelacur yang diberi sedekah...
Insan yang tealh sedekah tersebut berujar...
Wahai Allah semua puji adalah bagi Mu yang telah mentakdirkan sedekahku jatuh kepada pelacur...
Aku akan bersedekah lagi...lalu dia pergi membawa sedekahnya...lalu diberikannya kepada ore kaya...
Pagi pagi hari ore ramai memperkatakanpula bahawa male tadi/ the night ada insan telah berikan sedekah kpd ore kaya / insan kaya harta...
Lalu ore yg telah bersedekah berkata
Wahai Allah semua puji bagiMu ...kerana engkau telah menjadikan sedekahku jatuh kpd ore kaya...
Aku akan bersedekah lagi...
Dia pergi pula membawakan sedekahnya dan diberikan kpd pencuri

Pagi pagi hari ore ramai membicarakan akan hal ada ore yang bersedekah kpd pencuri
Ore yang telah bersedekah berkata...
Ya allah semua puji bagiMu yang telah mentakdirkan sedekahku jatuh kepada pelacur, kepada ore kaya dan kpd pencuri
Kemudian ore yg bersedekah didatangi malaikat yang berkata...
Sedekah anda telah diterima baik ...kesanya adalah mudah mudahan dia bertaubat serta berhenti dari melacur
Kepada si kaya ...mudah mudahan dia sedar bertaubat lalu dia rajin pula bersedekah
Kepada si pencuri mudah mudahan dia berhenti mencuri....
Hadis Sahih muslim no 46 jilid 1 Dari abu Hurairah radhiallahu anhu telah berkata. Rasulullah sallallahu alihi wasalam telah bersabda… Tidak sempurna iman se seo ore yang berzina …ketika dia berzina… Imannya tidak sempurna ( La yazni azzani hiina yazzni wa huwa mu’minun… Tidak sempurna iman se se ore yang mencuri…ketika dia mencuri…Imannya tidak sempurna ketika dia mencuri (wa la yasriqu hiina yasraqu wa huwa mu’minun… Tidak sempurna iman se se orang yang meminum arak ketika dia meminumnya…Imannya tidak sempurna kitika dia meminum arak (wa la yasrabu alkhamra hiina yasrabuha wa huwa mu’minun Dan AtTaubat terbuka selepas (kesalahan dosa tersebut… Wa Taubatu ma’rudhotun ba’du
pada hadis 978sahih muslim jilid 2
perkataan بغي من بغايا
pada hadis 2099 sahih muslim jilid 4

عن ابي هريرة قال رسول الله عليه وسلم بينما كلب يطيف بركية قد كاد يقتله العطش إذ رأته بغى من بغايا بنى إسرائيل فنزعت موقها فأستقت له به فسقته إياه فغفرالها به

Hadis sahih Muslim jilid 4 no hadis 2099
Dari Abu Hurairah r.a katanya “Rasulullah saw. Bercerita “Pada suatu ketika ada seekor anjing mengelilingi sebuah sumur. Anjing itu hamper mati kehausan. Tiba-tiba dia terlihat oleh seorang wanita pelacur bangsa bani Israil. Maka dibukanya sepatu botnya, kemudian dicedoknya air dengan sepatunya, lalu diberinya minum anjing yang hampir mati itu . maka Allah swt mengampuni segala dosa wanita itu (dengan asbab amalnya beri minum anjing itu).
pada dua hadis sahih muslim ini nampak bahawa GRO jua buleh bertaubat nasuha...mudah mudahan kita diampuni Allah
Hadis Riwayat Bukhari Muslim
Seorang telah melakukan satu dosa, lalu dia berkata: Wahai Tuhanku ampunilah dosaku. Lalu Allah azza wa jalla berfirman: Hamba-Ku melakukan dosa dan dia mengetahui bahawa baginya Tuhan yang boleh mengampun dan menghukumnya – dalam riwayat yang lain ditambah: Aku ampunkan dosanya. Kemudian dia kembali melakukan dosa yang lain, dia berkata: Wahai Tuhanku aku telah melakukan dosa ampunilah dosaku. Lalu Allah berfirman: Hamba-Ku melakukan dan dia mengetahui bahawa baginya Tuhan yang boleh mengampun dan menghukumnya-dalam riwayat yang lain ditambah: Aku ampunkan dosanya. Lalu dia melakukan dosa sekali lagi, dia berkata: Wahai Tuhanku aku telah melakukan dosa ampunilah dosaku. Lalu Allah berfirman: Hamba-Ku melakukan dan dia mengetahui bahawa baginya Tuhan yang boleh mengampun dan menghukumnya, maka aku ampunkan hamba-Ku ini, buatlah apa yang kau mahu Aku ampunkan engkau.

Telah menceritakan kepada kami Muhammad bin Yahya bin Faris berkata, telah menceritakan kepada kami Al Faryabi berkata telah menceritakan kepada kami Isra'il berkata, telah menceritakan kepada kami Simak bin Harb dari Alqamah bin Wail dari bapaknya ia berkata, "Pada masa Nabi shallallahu 'alaihi wasallam ada seorang wanita keluar rumah untuk melaksanakan shalat berjamaah. Lalu, ia bertemu dengan seorang laki-laki yang kemudian memaksanya untuk melakukan hubungan intim, laki-laki itu akhirnya memerkosanya sementara ia hanya bisa berteriak. Setelah puas laki-laki itu kabur melarikan diri. Kemudian lewatlah seorang laki-laki di hadapannya, wanita itu berkata, "Orang itu telah memperlakukan aku begini dan begini (memperkosa)! Pada saat yang bersamaan lewat juga sekelompok orang dari Muhajirin, wanita itu berkata, "laki-laki itu telah melakukan begini dan begini kepadaku (memperkosa)." Rombongan itu lalu mengejar laki-laki yang disangka oleh wanita itu telah memperkosanya. Mereka kemudian membawanya ke hadapan wanita itu, wanita berkata, "Benar, laki-laki inilah yang telah memperkosaku! ' Mereka kemudian membawa laki-laki malang itu kepada Nabi shallallahu 'alaihi wasallam, maka ketika beliau memerintahkan untuk menghukum (rajam) laki-laki tersebut, laki-laki yang memperkosa wanita itu berdiri dan berkata, "Wahai Rasulullah, akulah yang telah memperkosanya." Beliau bersabda kepada wanita itu: "Pergilah, semoga Allah mengampuni kekeliruanmu (salah tuduh)." Beliau juga mengatakan ucapan yang baik kepada laki-laki itu." Abu Dawud berkata, "maksudnya laki-laki yang diambil karena salah tangkap. Dan Rasulullah berkata untuk si pelaku: "Rajamlah ia." Kemudian beliau melanjutkan: "Dia telah bertaubat, dan sekiranya taubatnya dibagikan kepada seluruh penduduk Madinah, niscaya taubatnya akan diterima." Abu Dawud berkata, " Asbath bin Nashr juga meriwayatkannya dari Simak." HR Abu Daud

Muhammad bin Yahya An Naisaburi, telah menceritakan kepada kami Muhammad bin Yusuf dari Isra`il, telah menceritakan kepada kami Simak bin Harb dari 'Alqamah bin Wa`il Al Kindi dari ayahnya bahwa pada zaman Rasulullah shallallahu 'alaihi wasallam ada seorang wanita yang keluar hendak melakukan shalat, ia bertemu dengan seseorang laki-laki, lalu laki-laki itu menghadang dan memperkosanya. Wanita itu pun berteriak dan laki-laki itu pergi. Kemudian ada seseorang yang melintasinya, wanita itu berkata; Sesungguhnya orang itu telah melakukan begini dan begini kepadaku. Melintas juga sekumpulan orang-orang Muhajirin, wanita itu berkata; Sesungguhnya orang itu telah melakukan begini dan begini kepadaku. Maka mereka beranjak pergi untuk menangkap orang yang dituduh telah memperkosanya, mereka mendatangkan kepadanya, wanita itu berkata; Benar, ini orangnya. Mereka pun mendatangkannya kepada Rasulullah shallallahu 'alaihi wasallam, ketika beliau memerintahkan agar ia dirajam, teman orang yang memerkosa wanita itu berdiri seraya berkata; Wahai Rasulullah, aku adalah temannya. Beliau mengatakan kepada wanita itu: "Pergilah engkau, Allah telah mengampunimu." Beliau berbicara kepada temannya itu dengan perkataan yang baik dan beliau mengatakan kepada orang yang telah menggaulinya: "Rajamlah ia." Beliau bersabda: "Sungguh, ia telah bertaubat dengan taubat yang sekiranya seluruh penduduk Madinah bertaubat, niscaya dapat mengimbanginya." Abu Isa berkata; Hadits ini hasan gharib shahih. 'Alqamah bin Wa`il bin Hujr mendengar dari ayahnya, ia lebih tua dari Abdul Jabbar bin Wa`il sedangkan Abdul Jabbar tidak mendengar dari ayahnya. HR Tirmidzi

Dalam sunan Termizi (1525 ):
. Waa'il al-kindi reported that a woman was assaulted by a man in the darkness of the early morning, whilst she was on her way to the mosque. She shouted to a passer by for help, then a large group of people came by, and she called to them for help. They seized the man to whom she had first called for help, and her attacker ran away. They brought the (innocent) man to her, and he said, "I am the one who answered your call for help; the other man got away." They brought him to the messenger of Allah and told him that this man had assaulted the woman, and had seized him whilst running away. The man said, "I was the one who answered her call for help against he attacker, but these people seized me and brought me here." The woman said, "He is lying: he is the one who attacked me." The messenger of Allah said: "Take him away and stone him." Then a man stood up and said, "Do not stone him, stone me, for I am the one who did it." Now the Messenger of Allah had three people before him: The one who had assaulted the women, the onw who had answered her cries for help and the women herself. He told the attacker, "As for you, Allah has forgiven you ." and he spoke kind words to the one who had helped the women. 'Umar said, "stone the one who has admitted to the crime of adultery." The messenger of Allah said: "No, for he has repented to Allah."- I think he said, "with an act of repentance so great that if the people of Madeenah were to repent in this way, it would be accepted from them. (Silsilah al-ahadeeth as-saheehah,2/601, hadith no.900

إنّي لمُحتاجٌ إلى رحمة الله ومغفرته

Menurut Ahlus Sunnah wal Jama'ah qadha' dan qadar mempunyai empat tingkatan:

Al-'Ilm (pengetahuan), yaitu mengimani dan meyakini bahwa Allah Maha tahu atas segala sesuatu. Dia mengetahui apa yang ada di langit dan di bumi, secara umum maupun terinci, baik itu termasuk perbuatanNya sendiri atau perbuatan makhlukNya. Tak ada sesuatu pun yang tersembunyi bagiNya.

Al-Kitabah (penulisan), yaitu mengimani bahwa Allah telah menuliskan ketetapan segala sesuatu dalam Lauh Mahfuzh yang ada disisiNya.

Kedua tingkatan ini sama-sama dijelaskan oleh Allah dalam firmanNya:

"Artinya ; Apakah kamu tidak mengetahui bahwa sesungguhnya Allah mengetahui apa saja yang ada di langit dan di bumi; bahwasanya yang demikian itu terdapat dalam sebuah kitab (Lauh Mahfuzh). Sesungguhnya yang demikian itu amat mudah bagi Allah." [Al-Hajj : 70]

Dalam ayat ini disebutkan lebih dahulu bahwa Allah mengetahui apa saja yang ada di langit dan di bumi, kemudian dikatakan bahwa yang demikian tertulis dalam sebuah ktiab, yaitu Lauh Mahfuzh.

Sebagaimana pula dijelaskan oleh Rasulullah shalallahu 'alaihi wassalam dalam sabdanya:

"Artinya : Pertama kali tatkala Allah menciptakan qalam (pena), Dia firmankan kepadanya, 'Tulislah!' Qalam itu berkata, 'Ya Tuhanku, apakah yang hendak kutulis?' Allah berfirman, "Tulislah apa saja yang akan terjadi!' Maka seketika itu bergeraklah qalam itu menulis segala yang akan terjadi hinggahari Kiamat."

Ketika Nabi shalallahu 'alaihi wassalam ditanya tentang apa yang hendak kita perbuat, apakah sudah ditetapkan atau tidak? Beliau menjawab: "Sudah ditetapkan."

Dan ketika beliau ditanya: "Mengapa kita mesti berusaha dan tidak pasrah saja dengan takdir yang sudah tertulis?", beliau pun menjawab: "Berusahalah kalian, masing-masing akan dimudahkan menurut takdir yang telah ditentukan baginya." Kemudian beliau mensitir firman Allah:

"Artinya ; Adapun orang yang memberikan (hartanya di jalan Allah) dan bertakwa, dan membenarkan adanya pahala yang terbaik, maka Kami akan memudahkan baginya (jalan) yang mudah. Sedangkan orang yang bakhil dan merasa dirinya cukup serta mendustakan adanya pahala yang terbaik, maka Kami akan memudahkan baginya (jalan) yang sukar." [Al-Lail 5-10]

Oleh karena itu, hendaklah Anda berusaha, sebagaimana yang diperintahkan Nabi shalallahu 'alaihi wassalam kepada para sahabat. Anda akan dimudahkan menurut takdir yang telah ditentukan Allah.

Al-Masyi'ah (kehendak). Artinya, bahwa segala sesuatu yang terjadi, atau tidak terjadi, di langit dan di bumi, adalah dengan kehendak Allah. Hal ini dinyatakan jelas dalam Al-Qur'an Al-Karim. Dan Allah telah menetapkan bahwa apa yang diperbuatNya adalah dengan kehendakNya, serta apa yang diperbuat para hambaNya juga dengan kehendakNya.

Firman Allah:

"Artinya : (Yaitu) bagi siapa di antara kamu yang mau menempuh jalan yang lurus. Dan kamu tidak dapat menghendaki (menempuh jalan itu) kecuali apabila dikehendaki Allah, Tuhan Semesta Alam." [At-Takwir : 28-29]

"Artinya : Jikalau Tuhanmu menghendaki, niscaya mereka tidak mengerjakannya." [Al-An'am : 112]

"Artinya : Seandainya Allah menghendaki, tidaklah mereka berbunuh-bunuhan. Akan tetapi Allah berbuat apa yang dikehendakiNya." [Al-Baqarah : 253]

Dalam ayat-ayat tersebut Allah menjelaskan bahwa apa yang diperbuat manusia terjadi dengan kehendakNya.

Dan banyak pula ayat-ayat yang menunjukkan bahwa apa yang diperbuat Allah adalah dengan kehendakNya. Seperti firman Allah:

"Artinya : Dan kalau Kami menghendaki niscaya Kami akan berikan kepada tiap-tiap jiwa petunjuk (bagi)nya." [As-Sajdah : 13]

"Artinya : Jikalau Tuhanmu menghendaki, tentu Dia menjadikan manusia umat yang satu." [Huud : 118]

Dan banyak lagi ayat-ayat yang menetapkan kehendak Allah dalam apa yang diperbuatNya.

Oleh karena itu, tidaklah sempurna keimanan seseorang kepada qadar (takdir) kecuali dengan mengimani bahwa kehendak Allah meliputi segala sesuatu. Tak ada yang terjadi atau tidak terjadi kecuali dengan kehendakNya. Tidak mungkin ada sesuatu yang terjadi di langit ataupun di bumi tanpa dengan kehendak Allah.

Al-Khalq (penciptaan). Yaitu, mengimani bahwa Allah Pencipta segala sesuatu. Apa yang ada di langit dan di bumi Penciptanya tiada lain adalah Allah. Sampai yang dikatakan "mati" (tidak hidup), itupun diciptakan oleh Allah. Firman Allah:

"Artinya : Yang menjadikan mati dan hidup, supaya Dia menguji kamu, siapa di antara kamu yang lebih baik amalnya." [Al-Mulk : 2]

Jadi, segala sesuatu yang ada di langit ataupun di bumi PenciptaNya tiada lain adalah Allah Tabaraka wa Ta'ala.

Kita semua mengetahui dan meyakini bahwa apa yang terjadi dari perbuatan Allah adalah ciptaanNya. Seperti langit, bumi, gunung, sungai, matahari bulan, bintang, angin, manusia, dan hewan, kesemuanya adalah ciptaan Allah. Demikian pula apa yang terjadi untuk para makhluk ini, seperti: sifat, perubahan dan keadaan, itupun ciptaan Allah.

Akan tetapi mungkin saja ada orang yang sulit memahami, bagaimana dapat dikatakan bahwa perbuatan dan perkataan yang kita lakukan dengan kehendak kita ini adalah ciptaan Allah?

Jawabnya: Ya memang demikian. Sebab perbuatan dan perkataan kita ini timbul karena adanya 2 faktor, yaitu kehendak dan kemampuan. Apabila perbuatan manusia timbul karena kehendak dan kemampuannya, maka perlu diketahui bahwa yang menciptakan kehendak dan kemampuan manusia adalah Allah. Dan Siapa yang menciptakan sebab, Dialah yang menciptakan akibatnya.

Jadi, sebagai argumentasi bahwa Allah-lah yang menciptakan perbuatan manusia, yaitu bahwa apa yang diperbuat manusia itu timbul karena 2 faktor, yaitu kehendak dan kemampuan. Andaikata tidak ada kehendak dan kemampuan, tentu manusia tidak akan berbuat. Karena andaikata dia menghendaki, tetapi tidak mampu, tidak akan ia perbuat. Begitu pula andaikata dia mampu, tetapi tidak menghendaki, tidak akan terjadi perbuatan itu. Jika perbuatan manusia itu terjadi karena adanya kehendak yang mantap dan kemampuan sempurna, sedangkan kehendak dan kemampuan tadi pada diri manusia adalah Allah, maka dengan cara ini dapat kita katakana bahwa Allah-lah yang menciptakan perbuatan manusia.

Akan tetapi, pada hakikatnya manusia yang berbuat. Manusialah yang bersuci, yang melakukan shalat, yang menunaikan zakat, yang berpuasa, yang melaksanakan ibadah haji dan umrah, yang berbuat kemaksiatan, yang berbuatan ketaatan; hanya saja semua perbuatan ini ada dan terjadi dengan kehendak dan kemampuan yang diciptakan oleh Allah. Dan alhamdulillah hal ini sudah cukup jelas.

Keempat tingkatan yang disebutkan tadi wajib kita tetapkan untuk Allah. Dan hal ini tidak bertentangan apabila kita katakan bahwa manusia sebagai yang berbuata atau pelaku perbuatan.

Seperti halnya kita katakan: "Api membakar." Padahal yang menjadikannya dapat membakar tentu saja Allah. Api tidak dapat membakar dengan sendirinya, sebab seandainya api dapat membakar dengan sendirinya, tentu ketika Nabi Ibrahim 'alaihissalam dilemparkan ke dalam api akan terbakar hangus. Akan tetapi, ternyata beliau tidak mengalami cedera sedikitpun, karena Allah telah berfirman kepada api itu:

"Artinya : Hai api, jadilah dingin dan keselamatan bagi Ibrahim." [Al-Anbiya' : 69]

Sehingga Nabi Ibrahim 'alaihissalam tidak terbakar, bahkan tetap dalam keadaan sehat wal 'afiat.

Jadi, api tidak dapat membakar dengan sendirinya, tetapi Allah-lah yang menjadikannya mempunyai kekuatan untuk membakar. Kekuatan api untuk membakar adalah sama dengan kehendak dan kemampuan dalam diri manusia untuk berbuat, tidak ada perbedaannya. Hanya saja, karena manusia mempunyai kehendak, perasaan, pilihan dan tindakan, maka secara hukum dan sebenarnya manusia dinyatakan sebagai yang berbuat. Dia akan mendapat balasan sesuai dengan apa yang diperbuatnya, karena dia berbuat menurut kehendak dan kemauannya sendiri.

Sebagai penutup, kami katakan bahwa seorang mukmin harus ridha kepada Allah sebagai Tuhannya, dan termasuk kesempurnaan ridhanya, yaitu mengimani bahwa dalam masalah ini tidak ada perbedaan antara amal yang dikerjakan manusia, rizki yang dia usahakan, dan ajal yang dia khawatirkan. Kesemuanya adalah sama, sudah tertulis dan ditentukan. Dan setiap manusia dimudahkan menurut takdir yang ditentukan baginya. Semoga Allah menjadikan kita termasuk mereka yang dimudahkan untuk berbuat seperti orang-orang mendapat kebahagiaan dan melimpahkan kepada kita kebaikan dunia dan akhirat.

Segala puji bagi Allah Tuhan semesta alam, semoga shalawat dan salam senantiasa dilimpahkan kepada Nabi kita Muhammad, kepada keluarga dan seluruh shahabatnya.

[Disalin dari kitab Al-Qadha wal Qadar, edisi Indonesia Qadha & Qadhar, Penyusun Syaikh Muhammad Shalih Al-Utsaimin, Penerjemah A.Masykur Mz, Penerbit Darul Haq, Cetakan Rabi’ul Awwal 1420H/Juni 1999M]

hadis nombor 2274 jilid 4 sahih Muslimdari Abu Hurairah radhiallahu anhu telah berkataRasulullah sallallahu alaihi waSalam bercerita bahawa...Nabi Adam alaihissalam dan musa alaihissalam pernah berbahasnabi Musa berkata...hai Adam...engkau adalah bapa bagi semua manusia... tetapi engkau telah mengecewakan kan kami kerana menyebabkan kami kami keluar dari aljannahNabi Adam menjawab...Engkau wahai Musa...Engkau telah dipilih dan dianugerahkan istimewa dgn qudrat iradat Allah anda telah di beri nikmat buleh berbicara dgn Allah (nabi Musa disebut nabi kalimuLlah...buleh berkata kata dgn Allah...Apakah kamu menyesali Urusan taqdir yg telah allah taqdirkan kepada ku sejak 40 tahun sebelum aku diciptakan oleh Allah...nabi Muahmmad sallallahu alaihiwaSalam bersabda...Demikianlah Adam dan Musa saling berhujjah....
hadis nombor 2274 jilid 4 sahih Muslim
dari Abu Hurairah radhiallahu anhu telah berkataRasulullah sallallahu alaihi waSalam bercerita bahawa...Nabi Adam alaihissalam dan musa alaihissalam pernah berbahasnabi Musa berkata...hai Adam...engkau adalah bapa bagi semua manusia... tetapi engkau telah mengecewakan kan kami kerana menyebabkan kami kami keluar dari aljannahNabi Adam menjawab...Engkau wahai Musa...Engkau telah dipilih dan dianugerahkan istimeawa dgn qudrat iradat Allah anda telah di beri nikmat buleh berbicara dgn Allah (nabi Musa disebut nabi kalimuLlah...buleh berkata kata dgn Allah...Apakah kamu menyesali Urusan taqdir yg telah Allah taqdirkan kepada ku sejak 40 tahun sebelum aku diciptakan oleh Allah...nabi Muahmmad sallallahu alaihiwaSalam bersabda...Demikianlah Adam dan Musa saling berhujjah....
Hadis nombor 2272 sahih muslim jilid 4
Dari Abdullah radhioallahu annhu telah berkatarasulullah sallallahu alaihi wasalam yang mutlak benar menceritakan kpd kamiSesungguhnya proses penciptaan sese ore kamu setelah derada dalam perut (badhni… ibuSelama 40 hari… kemudian dia menjadi ‘alaqahselama 40 harikemudian menjadi mudh_rohselama 40 harikemudian diutuskan malaikat meniupkan ruh kepadanyakemudian diperintahkan kpd malaikat menulis empat keTETAPanyaitu mengenai rezekinya, ajalnya, amalnya, celaka atau bahgia (sa_‘idmaka demi Allah yang Tiada Tuhan melainkanNya
Sesungguhnya allah adalah Tuhan dan Sesungguhnya Muhammad is the messenger of Allah
(RabbiyAllah…sesungguhnya se se ore yg beramal dgn amalan ahli syurga sehingga jaraknya ke syurga hanya tinggal sehasta…tetapi suratan taqdirnya menetapkan dia menjadi ahli neraka…lalu dia beramal pada usia umurnya dgn amalan ahli neraka maka dia akan masuk neraka…sebaliknya sese ore yg beramal dgn amalan ahli neraka sehingga jaraknya ke neraka hanya tinggal sehasta…tetapi suratan taqdirnya telah ditulis menjadi ahli aljannah..lalu dia bertaubat dgn rahmat Allah pada sisa usianya…dia beramal dgn amalan ahli aljannah maka dia masuk aljannah dgn rahmat Allah…

Hadis sahih muslim 2273 jilid 4 menyebut Dari Huzaifah bin Asid Radhiallahu anhu telah berkata…Rasulullah sallalahu alaihi waSalam bersabda …Selepas nutfah berada dalam rahim 40 atau 45 layal maka datang Malaikat kepadanya lalu bertanya kpd Allah subhanahu waTaala …Ya Tuhan…apakah dia ini celaka atau bahgia (sa_id…Maka ditulisnya satu antara dua hal dan ma_al samada bahgia atau celaka…Malaikat bertanya… adakah lelaki atau perempuan…Maka ditulisnya satu antara dua hal iniKemudian ditulis amalan serta hasil amalannya, Ajalnya dan REZEKI nya. Kemudian Book /kitabul mubin dilipat/disempurnakan di lauhul mahfuz, tidak ditambah dan tidak dikurangi…rujuk hadis nombor 2277 jilid 4 sahih Muslim
cuba rujuk hadis nombor 2284 jilid 4 sahih muslimdari abu hurairah radhiaLlahu anhu telah berkataRasulullah Sallallahu alaihi waSalam telah bersabda...Tidak se orang jua bayi yg baru lahir melainkan dalam keadaan suci...maka kedua orang tuanyalah yang menyebabkan anak ini menjadi yahudi, nasrani, dan musyriklalau bertanya seorang lelakiYa rasulullah ...bagaimana kalau anak tersebut mati sebelumnya (sebelum disesatkan orang tuanya...Baginda menjawab "Allah jua Yang Mohor mengetahui apa yang telah mereka lakukan...
hadis nombor 2279 jilid 4 sahih muslim
dari abdullah ibnu umar radhiallahu anhu berkata rasulullah sallalhu alihiwasalam bersabda semuanya telah ditetapkan/ditaqdirkan sehingga kepada kelemahan/cuai dan ketrampilan atau kelemahan dan ketrampilan

hadis nombor 2274 jilid 4 sahih Muslim
dari Abu Hurairah radhiallahu anhu telah berkataRasulullah sallallahu alaihi waSalam bercerita bahawa...Nabi Adam alaihissalam dan musa alaihissalam pernah berbahas nabi Musa berkata...hai Adam...engkau adalah bapa bagi semua manusia... tetapi engkau telah mengecewakan kan kami kerana menyebabkan kami kami keluar dari aljannahNabi Adam menjawab...Engkau wahai Musa...Engkau telah dipilih dan dianugerahkan istimeawa dgn qudrat iradat Allah anda telah di beri nikmat buleh berbicara dgn Allah (nabi Musa disebut nabi kalimuLlah...buleh berkata kata dgn Allah...Apakah kamu menyesali Urusan taqdir yg telah allah taqdirkan kepada ku sejak 40 tahun sebelum aku diciptakan oleh Allah...nabi Muahmmad sallallahu alaihiwaSalam bersabda...Demikianlah Adam dan Musa saling berhujjah....
Hadis nombor 2272 sahih muslim jilid 4Dari Abdullah radhiallahu annhu telah berkatarasulullah sallallahu alaihi wasalam yang mutlak benar menceritakan kpd kamiSesungguhnya proses penciptaan sese ore kamu setelah berada dalam perut/rahim (badhni… ibuSelama 40 hari… kemudian dia menjadi ‘alaqahselama 40 harikemudian menjadi mudh_rohs elama 40 harikemudian diutuskan malaikat meniupkan ruh kepadanyakemudian diperintahkan kpd malaikat menulis empat keTETAPanyaitu mengenai rezekinya, ajalnya, amalnya, celaka atau bahgia (sa_‘idmaka demi Allah yang Tiada Tuhan melainkanNya (RabbiyAllah…sesungguhnya se se ore yg beramal dgn amalan ahli syurga sehingga jaraknya ke syurga hanya tinggal sehasta…tetapi suratan taqdirnya menetapkan dia menjadi ahli neraka…lalu dia beramal pada usia umurnya dgn amalan ahli neraka maka dia akan masuk neraka…sebaliknya sese ore yg beramal dgn amalan ahli neraka sehingga jaraknya ke neraka hanya tinggal sehasta…tetapi suratan taqdirnya telah ditulis menjadi ahli aljannah..lalu dia bertaubat dgn rahmat Allah pada sisa usianya…dia beramal dgn amalan ahli aljannah maka dia masuk aljannah dgn rahmat Allah…

Dari ayat ini pernah seorang sahabat bertanya kepada Rasulullah mengenai makna ayat "Surga yg luasnya seluas langit dan bumi." Dimanakah neraka? tanya mereka. Rasulullah menjawab (dengan pertanyaan lagi), "Dimanakah male hari ketika siang?"Abu hurairah dari Al Bazazar meriwayatkan bahwa ada seorang laki-laki menanyakan ini kepada Rasulullah , lalu beliau menjawab "Tahukah engkau ketika male tiba dan menyelimuti segala sesuatu, di manakah siang hari berada? Penanya itu menjawab "Siang berada dimana Allah menghendakinya." Kemudian Nabi bersabda, "Demikian pula neraka, ia berada dimana Allah menghendakinya."Ibnu Katsir dalam tafsirnya mengomentari riwayat tersebut dengan mengatakan, "Ini mengandung dua pengertian," Pertama, Jika kita tidak menyaksikan atau tidak mengetahui male hari pada waktu siang, hal ini tidak berarti bahwa male hari itu tidak berada pada suatu tempat. Demikian pula neraka, ia berada di tempat yang dikehendaki oleh Allah Azza wa Jalla. Kedua, Jika siang hari berada pada suatu belahan dunia, male hari berada pada belahan dunia yg lainnya. Demikian juga surga, ia berada di tempat yg tinggi yg luasnya seperti yang dikatakan Allah seluas langit dan bumi. Adapun neraka berada ditempat lain yang paling bawah. Wallohu a'lamu bishshowab....

Hadis sahih muslim 2414 jilid 4Dari Jabir radhiallah telah berkata dia mendengar Nabi sallallahu alaihi wasalam bersabda Bukan amal se se ore yang memasukkannya ke dalam aljannah atau melepaskannya dari neraka termasuk juga diriku…Cuma hanya Rahmat Allah ke atasku semuanya…Diriwayatkan Abu Dawud dari Abu Hafshah Al-Syami, bahawa Rasulullahbersabda: "Sesungguhnya yang pertama kali diciptakan Allah adalahQalam (pena), lalu dikatakan kepadanya, 'Tulislah'. Ia menjawap, 'YaTuhanku, apa yang harus aku tulis?' Dia menjawab, 'Tulislah Takdir setiap sesuatu sampai hari kiamat tiba".
Taqdir Allah terus menerus menjelaskan kekuasaan ke atas makhlukNya dengan berfirman yang bermaksudDialah Tuhan yang telah menjadikan kamu daripada tanah (surah al An’am ayat 2 Setelah menjelaskan hal penciptaan alam maya , Allah menjelaskan pula hal penciptaannya terhadap yang lebih kecil yaitu hal kejadian dan penciptaan manusiaSe ore Ulama’ Abu Na’im al Hafiz di dalam kitabnya meriwayatkan Ibnu Mas’ud berkata…Malaikat yang ditugaskan menjaga Rahim manusia setiap kali diciptakan manusia, dia mengambil air mani manusia (lelaki dan perempuan…dan meletakkannya di tapak tangannya kemudian bertanya kepada AllahWahai Tuhanku …adakah ia mahu disempurnakan selaku manusia atau tidak…Jika jawapannya Naam/ya maka ia akan disempurnakan menjadi manusiaMalaikat bertanya lagi ...Ya Allah, apakah rezekinya, apakah sifatnya, amalannya dan bilakah ajal mautnya...Allah berfirman ...Lihatlah dalam Kitab Besar (ummul Kitab...Lihatlah dalam Lauhul Mahfuz…Semua sudah tersurat termasuk rezekinya, sifatnya, amalannya dan ajal mautnya…Lalu dia mengambil sedikit tanah tempat manusia tersebut akan dikebumikan lalu diuli air mani tersebut dengan tanah tersebutDemikian apa yang dinyatakan oelh Allah di dalam firmanNya yang bermaksudDari tanah Kami ciptakan kamu dan ke dalam tanah Kami akan kembalikan kamu (surah Toha ayat 55
Abu Hurairah Radhiallahu anhu berkata Rasulullah sallallahu alaihi wasalam bersabda yang bermaksud…Seseorang anak tidak dilahirkan ke alam dunia melainkan dia dicipta daripada tanah kuburannya sendiri
Dengan berdasarkan kepada dalil ini jelas menunjukkan bahawa manusia diciptakan daripada tanah dan air mani lelaki dan perempuandipetik dari penulisan Tuan Guru haji hadi di ruangan Tafsir alQur'an halaman F7 harakah 7-10 jamadilAkhir 1430 bersamaan 1-4.6.2009

Hadis sahih muslim 2273 jilid 4...Dari Huzaifah bin Asid Radhiallahu anhu telah berkata…Rasulullah sallalahu alaihi waSalam bersabda …Selepas nutfah berada dalam rahim 40 atau 45 layal maka datang Malaikat kepadanya lalu bertanya kpd Allah subhanahu waTaala …Ya Tuhan…apakah dia ini celaka atau bahgia (sa_id…Maka ditulisnya satu antara dua hal dan ma_al samada bahgia atau celaka…Malaikat bertanya… adakah lelaki atau perempuan…Maka ditulisnya satu antara dua hal iniKemudian ditulis amalan serta hasil amalannya, Ajalnya dan REZEKI nyaKemudian buku dilipat, tidak ditambah dan tidak dikurangi…

Hadis 2412 sahih muslim jilid 4 Dari abu hurairah Radhiallahu anhuDari Rasulullah sallahu alaihi wasalamBersabda…Tidak se ore jua diantara kamu yang amalnya akan dapat menyelamatkannyaBertanya se ore lelaki ...”amal anda jua begitu ya rasulullah?Baginda menjwab...Naam (benar sedemikian...Cuma Allah melindungiku dengan Rahmatnya kerana hal sedemikian tambah giatlah kamu meluruskan (ikhlaskan... amalmu
Iman serta Taubat Insan terlanjur berdosa…
Hadis Sahih muslim no 46 jilid 1
Dari abu Hurairah radhiallahu anhu telah berkata. Rasulullah sallallahu alihi wasalam telah bersabda…
Tidak sempurna iman se seo ore yang berzina …ketika dia berzina… Imannya tidak sempurna
( La yazni azzani hiina yazzni wa huwa mu’minun…
Tidak sempurna iman se se ore yang mencuri…ketika dia mencuri…Imannya tidak sempurna ketika dia mencuri
(wa la yasriqu hiina yasraqu wa huwa mu’minun…
Tidak sempurna iman se se orang yang meminum arak ketika dia meminumnya…Imannya tidak sempurna kitika dia meminum arak
(wa la yasrabu alkhamra hiina yasrabuha wa huwa mu’minun

Dan AtTaubat terbuka selepas (kesilapan dosa tersebut…
Wa Taubatu ma’rudhotun ba’du

dalam halaqah Tv9 ustaz sayid tuan padang sebut kisah ni ada dalam kitab tawwabiin ...abu qudamah menyebut kisah bani israil zaman nabi musa alaihissalam ni...sama dengan kisah insan bertaubat seperti yang dibawa oleh akhi ibnu firdaus ni...
thesis kawe tulis dalam english...inshaallah
kalau lah mutiara ilmu hadis dan ayat al qur'an nak dibakul sampahkan...maka hilanglah hidayah yang nak di sampaikan hal insan bertaubat...

Semua (dosa) umatku akan diampuni kecuali orang yang berbuat (dosa) terang-terangan, yaitu yang melakukan perbuatan dosa pada malam hari lalu Allah menutup-nutupinya kemudian pada esok harinya dia bercerita kepada kawannya, "Tadi malam aku berbuat begini...begini..." Lalu dia membongkar rahasia yang telah ditutup-tutupi Allah 'Azza wajalla.
__muttafaqun alaihi
Dilarang buka aib diri sewaktu zaman jahil...

Taubat Nasuha

Pada zaman Nabi Musa AS, bani Israel ditimpa musim kemarau yang berpanjangan. Mereka pun berkumpul mendatangi Nabi mereka. Mereka berkata, “Ya Kaliimallah, berdoalah kepada Rabbmu agar Dia menurunkan hujan kepada kami”. Maka berangkatlah Musa A.S. bersama kaumnya menuju padang pasir yang luas. Waktu itu mereka berjumlah lebih dari 70 ribu orang. Mulailah mereka berdoa dengan keadaan yang lusuh dan penuh debu, haus dan lapar.

Nabi Musa berdoa, “Ilaahi! Asqinaa ghaitsak.. wansyur ‘alaina rahmatak.. warhamnaa bil athfaal ar rudhdha’.. wal bahaaim ar rutta’.. wal masyaayikh ar rukka’..” Setelah itu langit tetap saja terang benderang, matahari pun bersinar makin menyilau (maksudnya segumpal awan pun tak jua muncul). Kemudian Nabi Musa berdoa lagi, “Ilaahi.. asqinaa”..

Allah pun berfirman kepada Musa, “Bagaimana Aku akan menurunkan hujan kepada kalian sedangkan di antara kalian ada seorang hamba yang bermaksiat sejak 40 tahun yang lalu. Umumkanlah di hadapan manusia agar dia berdiri di hadapan kalian semua. Kerana dialah, Aku tidak menurunkan hujan untuk kalian”.

Maka Musa pun berteriak di tengah-tengah kaumnya, “Wahai hamba yang bermaksiat kepada Allah sejak 40 tahun, keluarlah ke hadapan kami, karena engkaulah hujan tak turun”. Seorang lelaki menjeling ke kanan dan kiri, maka tak seorang pun yang keluar di hadapan manusia, saat itu pula ia sedar kalau dirinya yang dimaksud.

Ia berkata dalam hatinya, “Kalau aku keluar ke hadapan manusia, maka akan terbuka rahsiaku. Kalau aku tidak berterus terang, maka hujan pun tak akan turun”. Maka hatinya pun gundah-gulana, air matanya pun menitis, menyesali perbuatan maksiatnya sambil berkata , “Ya Allah, Aku telah bermaksiat kepadaMu selama 40 tahun, selama itu pula Engkau menutupi aibku. Sungguh sekarang aku bertaubat kepadaMu, maka terimalah taubatku”.

Tak lama setelah pengakuan taubatnya tersebut, maka awan-awan tebal pun muncul, semakin lama semakin tebal menghitam, dan akhirnya turunlah hujan. Musa pun kehairanan, “Ya Allah, Engkau telah turunkan hujan kepada kami, namun tak seorang pun yang keluar di hadapan manusia”. Allah berfirman, “Aku menurunkan hujan kepada kalian oleh sebab hamba yang kerananya hujan tak turun telah bertaubat kepadaKu”.

Musa berkata, “Ya Allah, tunjukkan padaku hamba yang taat itu”. Allah berfirman, “Ya Musa, Aku tidak membuka aibnya sewaktu dia masih bermaksiat kepadaKu, apakah Aku perlu membuka aibnya sedangkan dia taat kepadaKu?”

ana nak bertanya
apa kah syarat syarat yang membuatkan taubat Insan diterima Allah... diampuni dosanya yang silam...

Syarat taubat diterima
1. Menuntut Ilmu Islam seperti tauhid syariat, hadis tafsir alquran dan syarah hadis dll
2. Menyesal atas keterlanjuran sebab jahil, khilaf/keliru dll
3. Mumkin ada ilat dan qarinah dalam hal terlanjurnya insan seperti sihir, drug, dll
4. Jika ada harta baik banyakkan bersedekah
5. Berazam menghindari maksiat dosa besar
6. Memperbanyakan amal solih dan amal kebajikan
7. Bersifat suka bersedekah
8. Mengambil iktibar/pengajaran atas keterlanjuran
9. Bersahabat dengan insan solih dan muttaqiin
10. Selalu menghisab diri sebelum dihisab di akhirat nanti.

Sumber Rujukan:
Muhammad Asad; The Message of the Qur’an
Muhammad Asad: Sahih al-Bukhari
Sahih Muslim